The Nature

Information on Energetic Anthropology from Professor Zeberio

The Nature, according to the discoveries of Argentinian Professor José Tomás Zeberio, corresponds to a gigantic and complex dimension on the Earth since it is Nature which allows the living, absolutely all living things on the Earth, to exist, to be able to live there. , to survive and reproduce to ensure its sustainability, etc.

All this is managed by a number of Laws of Creation, these are energetic Laws! It’s truly extraordinary!

Current Humanity does not yet sufficiently know the full importance, nor even the immensity of the exact role of Nature, that is to say its true dimension (and even its obligation for the essential and permanent energetic conditions )! Those who speak of bio-diversity, in general, also do not know the presence and the necessity of the energetic conditions which are at stake! Nowadays we are alarmed about global warming because certain effects are visible to our eyes and sometimes on a large scale. But there is also everything that we don't necessarily see!

We can clearly see that respect for Nature is often ignored for economic and industrial reasons... But if we humans are only passing through the Earth, for the duration of our human life, we must not forget that Nature was there long before us and will still be there long after us! It is true that the question barely addressed, namely what are we going to leave to our children, to our descendants, is not considered very seriously in fact... Fortunately Nature has its own Laws of operation and management and it knows how to react perfectly, and even in a brutal manner more and more often, no doubt, to alert us! But in reality what is it really? Here it's much more than ecology...

As a simple definition of Nature, according to Energetic Anthropology (EA), we can say that Nature supports all possibilities of life on Earth (for all chains of life: from bacteria to Human Beings, for all kingdoms and all species, etc.), of birth, development, growth, aging, death and even the decomposition that follows! Yes, Nature is responsible for all these aspects, for example the quality of the air we breathe, or even water pollution, etc., in the end it is often the only one to manage in the long term... We think generally only to the matter aspect, while the energy aspects are also very present and of great importance!

So, in other words, Nature is what allows life to exist on Earth, the Earth itself to evolve (not to remain in the Stone Age) and especially that all the necessary conditions are present, effective and even evolving. The Earth today has evolved in various ways over time, I am talking here about the intrinsic evolution of Nature, and not just the contributions of Man over time.

Nature is much more than what we can say about it, and more is how we define it, in a general way. It is made up of "visible and invisible" to our eyes, that is to say of "matter and energy" and truly acts everywhere from the Center of the Earth to the limit of the Magnetosphere! Yes, Nature understands all these immense dimensions with its various specificities due in particular to its energetic aspects! This is a point of view that science has not yet really integrated. The invisible remains difficult to observe, study and understand... Discoveries in E.A. can undoubtedly give scientists research ideas...

It is true that all this is gigantic! Nature is therefore not only what is visible to our eyes, the plants, the countryside, the forests, the greenery, etc., it is truly much more than that...

In order for Life to exist on Earth, there is a very important condition that makes life possible, it is a permanent invisible part, which acts around us and even within us. These are electromagnetic energies (according to the EA via families of codified electromagnetic cells, microorganisms, etc.) which codify absolutely all living things, at all stages, for all species, and this permanently!! ! Of course, to this is added the atmosphere with the air that we breathe, the very important water, that which we drink, but also the oceans, and moreover everything that refers to the whole of our food, the sun, the moon, etc., etc. Many elements come into play, including the invisible energy part. We must accept that aspects of energy, globally and electromagnetically, are very important throughout Nature...

This is a fundamental discovery of Professor Zeberio.

Starting from the "Milky Way", with its stars and constellations, the solar system and its giant planets including the Earth, and then with Nature on the Earth, all this is a logical continuation of the "very great principle of Creation" , where everything occurs according to a mathematical order, with a very Superior Intelligence and also where chance does not exist! Professor Zeberio told us that we can explain everything, however with the invisible so present, it is very difficult..., but one day scientific instrumentation will achieve it!

Life on earth also follows an evolutionary, mathematical and energetic path. As we know, if the Human Being is at the highest level of the scale of evolution of living species belonging to the Earth, it is because it was previously necessary that this scale of evolution is built slowly and chronologically like this, step by step, over millions of years!

Man, in this scale of living species, arrived last and is therefore part of the evolutionary chronology of life on Earth. It was only when the "let's say technical and especially energetic" conditions were achieved that the Human kingdom appeared! All these stages, via all living species, have nothing to do with any or hypothetical chance, on the contrary, it is truly a question here of the fundamental principle of Creation, with its gigantic program and above all with an Intelligence very Superior! Charles Darwin had understood part of this long process, his theory of evolution was certainly incomplete but made a lot of sense! The energetic aspects were obviously missing... Nowadays, all of Humanity must know, understand this, what Nature is and naturally respect it...

In this sense, also, every Human Being must have Great Respect for all lower Species... and therefore for all of Nature!

Life on Earth depends totally on this chain of chronological and evolutionary energetic codifications, which are still invisible to our eyes. These energetic conditions continue to evolve inexorably over time, for our good!

These processes are naturally and automatically managed by Nature, and we must not forget that it is our indispensable Mother Nature. If the prerequisite energetic conditions are not met, then life becomes difficult or even impossible! All of the energy conditions necessary for the proper functioning of Nature on Earth are unique in our galaxy! The prospect for some, at a colossal cost, of going to live sustainably on Mars, is a pure figment, a total aberration, because Mars (or any other planet for that matter) does not have not the unique and special energetic conditions that exist on Earth...

Unfortunately, more and more frequently, modern Man plays dangerously against himself and in a certain way against all of Humanity when he does not respect Nature, whose major function is essential and very very important...

If modern Man, Scientific Man had a better knowledge of what Nature really is, what it is made of and especially how it functions (energetically speaking) in its entirety, it seems obvious to me that there would then, urgently, be a Radical Change of Course, to Save and Help the Earth, to help and protect Nature, in the interest of All, at the planetary level, at the level of all of Humanity and for our future descendants!!! And I add in respect of Creation and its Creator...

Everything that exists in Nature, wherever and whatever has its reason for being, has been defined by the principle of Creation! If we do not understand it, not yet, then it is essential and urgent to respect Nature and then to seek to understand it, and to study it to know it better! She is our first Mother!!!

Nature's major function is to manage planet Earth! It belongs to all living things, and especially not just to Human Beings, including those, too numerous, who do not respect it, for what it is and for what it truly serves! We sometimes hear about nourishing earth, it's so true, and yet for financial and political reasons we find so-called GMO seeds to treat certain aspects (diseases) but we distort these seeds, we are certainly not playing to the advantage of Humanity and in any case really against the Laws of Creation!

We must all respect Nature, love it and protect it every second, in every place on our planet!!!

Thank you...

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