This rather particular theme on Higher Energy Planes arouses a certain center of interest, when we approach it during conferences on Energetic Anthropology (EA), and in the context of discoveries from Professor Zeberio! Indeed, this theme follows the stage after human physical death, of bodily death on Earth.
There are many beliefs, often family-based, with theories from various sources or religions, etc., which deal very differently with this very particular subject. Prof. Zeberio has made exceptional discoveries on the theme of Higher Energy Planes...
If we talk about Higher Energy Planes, it is because a priori, there are several Energy Planes, they are numerous and different frequency planes!
We can also imagine that we are already on a plane, here on that of the Earth! Well yes, that’s exactly it. However, for the majority of Humanity, when we talk about the Earth, we are not talking about energy plans, not at all! On Earth we generally talk about what is visible, with matter, because on the contrary for energy it is generally invisible! Yet more and more we know that energy has an important role throughout the Universe and on Earth, and Professor Zeberio discovered in EA that various energies also manage our physical body...
So, in this sense for Human Beings but we generally talk about our physical body, and even health, with an approach in relation to our biology, it's matter! But after life, there is inevitably death, and when a Human Being dies, his physical body (of matter) no longer has life!
For some there is something else, something that continues after death and for others not! There is nothing left!
Theories are numerous, sometimes contradictory, on the afterlife, on the Soul, on the Spirit, but it is not really clear!
Professor Zeberio among his numerous researches discovered that every Human Being has a Spirit and a Soul, which are immortal, and there is continuity after bodily death! He even explained all this well in his books on EA, and in particular that the Spirit and the Soul are inseparable during life and also after death. A certain time after death, the Spirit and the Soul will rise into the atmosphere, and even quite far from the Earth.
Moreover, in certain cases this Spirit and its Soul will return to earth for a new human incarnation, and in other cases they do not return but on the contrary they will ascend towards the cosmos, beyond the Magnetosphere... And here we approach the Higher Planes! More subtle frequency plans, greater frequency values... the EA explains all of this to us very well...
Being interested in the Higher Planes actually implies, for everyone, that there is something that continues after the physical death of every human body. Yes it is the Spirit and the Soul... which Professor Zeberio calls an energetic cumul in ascension... and moreover that there exists an infinity of increasing frequency planes and different in vibrational value, in new values of frequencies!
The notion of Higher Energy Planes is a reality, certainly they are invisible to our eyes, since everything up there is energy and therefore without matter... Our Spirit is immaterial, it is energy. It has its own vibrational value, that acquired at the moment of death, and subsequently it will rise to its identical frequency plane (more or less high...).
This whole process, according to the Laws of Creation, is purely mathematical...
There are quantities of Higher Planes, according to Professor Zeberio. These Planes of various frequencies go chronologically towards higher and higher frequency values, let's say, more and more subtle, within our Galaxy, in the Milky Way. These frequency values, vibrational including for any Spirit, have fundamental importance. Frequencies of the same value attract each other. Any Spirit (energetic cumul) will go to its corresponding frequency plane, exactly. To this it should be noted that there are also different energetic planes inside the Magnetosphere and other more vibrational ones beyond the Van Hallen belt, and therefore it is a question of the great transition to the beyond the magnetosphere, towards the so-called Higher Planes...
But let's return to the stage after bodily death. If, at the end of its last human life, a Spirit has not achieved enough vibrational power to go beyond the Magnetosphere, then a long period of lethargy will begin for it, in the high atmosphere, for energetic reasons and according to the Laws of Creation, to then be able to complete one's spiritual evolution on Earth! He will then be obliged to return to Earth for another human incarnation. This too is another Law of Creation! It is that of the principle, of the cycle of multiple successive human incarnations necessary, for the evolutionary journey of the Spirit, for every Human on Earth...
On the other hand, if this Spirit (this Energetic cumul) has a frequency higher than that of the limit of the Magnetosphere, well there, it will be a final and total farewell to the Earth, and also to the principle of the cycle of successive human incarnations (on the Earth plane)!
It is then that another very long journey will begin, an infinite, eternal journey... This journey will gradually take place in increasingly higher planes, more and more vibratory, and therefore with higher frequencies, higher and higher!
So, there will first be the so-called entamorphic planes, beyond the magnetosphere, then and successively the plane of Uranus, then the plane of Mars, Saturn, Mercury, etc... In the Higher Planes, we no longer talk about matter, but about cosmic energies, frequencies, Light, Love... These are also new sciences that we do not know on Earth... that we will have to study ...The notion of rest eternal understood in certain religions is an error, since the Cosmic Spiritual Evolution is infinite and it will be necessary to study constantly at each plane... to be able to then reach the next one, etc., etc.
Thus, via a good number of essential steps, the Spirit, "this energetic Cumul will first of all have to build its own cosmic body", a cosmic body, which does not have at all the same characteristics and constraints than a physical terrestrial human body. In the cosmos, it is a world purely of energies, of frequency planes. All this is invisible to our eyes, as is the presence of quantities of Cosmic Beings, Spiritual Guides, Space Assistants, Spiritual Masters, etc. All this, all these mechanisms, are explained by Prof. Zeberio in his books on EA, which, let's say it, are quite complex... but it is fascinating for all those who ask deep questions about the afterlife on earth!
Up there, time, our earthly time no longer exists, it's totally timeless! If, on earth we speak more in days, or months in general, up there it is in equivalent terrestrial years... There is no more time, but ultimately it takes a lot of time, in equivalent time of the earth for the university courses to follow, for example... That said we are talking about Higher Cosmic, Infinite Evolution... So time is, to tell the truth, only a problem, only for life on Earth, and not at all in the Higher Planes. I add that Every Spirit, this energetic accumulation which arrives in the Higher Planes already has something planned for it, for its Cosmic journey, in Space! As Professor Zeberio often said, The Creator expects to find, to welcome Spirits, Beings, coming from the Earth, who are intelligent... who will have learned from the Earth via their multiple successive human lives, to then continue their Cosmic Spiritual Path...
To conclude, this web page, it is often quite difficult to imagine oneself after death, on Earth! It's up to everyone to ask themselves questions or not, ultimately! However, I think it is still preferable to believe that Life continues after Life on Earth! It is then about the journey of our Spirit, our energetic Accumulation with what it contains, through its long journey of Spiritual Evolution on Earth, via multiple incarnations in human lives. We do not have the memory of our previous lives, since our biology does not survive bodily death. On the other hand, the Spirit was continually and gradually nourished by all the knowledge and life experiences, knowledge that it had, over the course of a few thousand years! It's still quite extraordinary... From another point of view, our true personality is in reality, that of our Spirit, an already Cosmic personality, and even in a true quantum energetic dimension, with its own frequency, its vibrational value, its knowledge, its light, etc... It is only this which will continue towards the Higher Planes..., for eternity, for other missions!
Note: Some Scientists, NASA, etc., want to send people to Mars at all costs? The question is what is the point of spending so much money to go to Mars, since on the one hand human life there will be in fact impossible (or very complicated in the long term) and on the other hand, every Human Being is certain to go there one day, after his death, when he will have finished his journey of incarnations and his spiritual evolution on Earth. Then his Spirit, his energetic accumulation, will then make his journey as a Cosmic Being in the Higher Planes, including that of Mars. You should know, moreover, that there is already Life on Mars, obviously, Cosmic Beings, invisible to our eyes and to current measuring instruments, but they are not Human Beings, nor even Martians such that many imagine them... These are truly Cosmic Beings, of course, and moreover on Mars, there are also Space Universities..., to continue studying to increase the vibrational frequency of the Spirit , with ever more knowledge !
Another fundamental technical aspect is that classic Earth food will not grow naturally on Mars! This is due to the fact that the energy coding essential to all life on Earth, including seeds, plants, vegetables, animals, fish, etc., does not exist on Mars! Scientists have not yet understood or probably sufficiently studied the fundamental conditions which mean that Life on Earth requires a permanent codifying electromagnetic energy presence necessary for all forms of life, and in a certain way for food as well. .., and especially for Human Beings, without forgetting our strong necessary relationship to the elements, water, air, metals, gases, etc., as well as gravity... The Earth is naturally very specific, and may even be unique , in the Universe or rather in our Galaxy, and in any case, closer to us, in our solar system!
But perhaps Man's dream has no limits?