It is to experience human life, to learn..., with the aim of acquiring knowledge of the Earth plane, etc., to continue our own evolutionary path, this means to achieve and continue our Personal Spiritual Evolution!
However, it is appropriate to clarify this notion a little more... Spiritual is taken from the word "Spirit", and in reality it means enriching one's Spirit, quite simply, energetically, through the acquisition of knowledge, of light one might say. ! When we talk about Spirit (which is non-matter and non-mortal), we must understand that we are in the presence of purely energetic phenomena, with energetic memories!
The term Spiritual, or Spirituality is often associated with Religion! In fact, the notion of spirituality is not necessarily and necessarily linked with the principle of any Religion or Belief!
Absolutely not! A non-believer, an atheist, etc., can also be very Spiritual!
Everyone talks about Spirit, in everyday language, in a number of esoteric books, for example, without really knowing what it is, but the only person who has discovered and truly explains what it is the Human Spirit is Argentinian Professor José Tomás Zeberio, the creator of Energetic Anthropology.
Professor Zeberio also explained what this Spirit is for! To define it very simply, it is a very subtle electromagnetic structure, invisible to our eyes and also to modern imagery. This structure of Spirit is found within ourselves, in the thoracic and upper part of a human body. It is associated and connected with 5 major vortices, 4 of which have higher evolutionary energy cells located outside the physical body!
Every Human Being has a Spirit, and the vibrational value of their Spirit depends directly on their level of Spiritual Evolution! In esotericism we often speak of one's Self or Ego, but here it is in equivalence (to the Spirit) of the Great Self or the Great Ego or even Higher Self, or Superior Ego, etc.
Spiritual evolution consists, in truth, of evolving our Spirit, of filling it with knowledge, with indestructible energetic memories, what Professor Zeberio calls electromagnetic holograms! Energetic Anthropology really explains all of this to us, even in detail, because it is very important and concerns us all!
It is up to each person to act for themselves, for their own Spirit! No one can do it for us! Intention is not enough, said Professor Zeberio! Only positive actions count and it is up to everyone to know how to accumulate energy! Conversely, negative actions are useless and even harmful both for oneself and for others!
Humanity, which is more and more populated these days, has the particularity, on a spiritual level, of having Human Beings at all possible Spiritual levels, that is to say with different personal vibrational levels ! Every Human Being has their own personal evolutionary journey, according to the reality of the Laws of Creation!
In fact, each human Spirit must complete a long evolutionary journey, during each human incarnation, in a chronological manner, a bit like an ascending staircase with many steps (Spiritual levels) and we therefore find Human Beings on all the steps of this imaginary staircase. Quite simply, each (Spirit) has its own life journey on Earth, and here we can imagine quite well the notion of Multiple successive human incarnations on Earth!
The evolutionary principle of the Human Being, from life to life, occurs thanks to his Spirit and for this it is necessary to have several successive Human lives (each time in a new physical body, new family, often a new country, etc. ..). The Spirit is indestructible (even upon incineration), it is above all eternal, and this is good since Spiritual evolution is endless!
It is necessary to understand that according to the principle of Creation, the Human Being passes through the Earth several times to carry out his Spiritual evolution, in fact that of his Spirit! Furthermore, our true personality is that of our Spirit and not that of our physical body, the importance of our last name, or even our social status..., not truly!
But we still need to know that we all have a Spirit and that it is even very precious to us, permanently with us, for a large part inside our physical body, our bust!
In the evolutionary principle of the Human Being, defined by the Creator, the Spirit is a memory of an energetic nature, indestructible, containing our own knowledge acquired and accumulated during many previous Human lives! As long as the vibrational level, the Knowledge or let's say the level of Spiritual Evolution, is not high enough, then we will have to return to Earth again! For what ? To incarnate again, several times, perhaps even, to finally have the right "Spiritual" level, the right vibrational, energetic value, allowing us to cross energetically, let's say mathematically, the limits of the Magnetosphere!
Indeed, it is the value, that is to say the vibratory power of the Spirit (after bodily death, after its cycles of successive human incarnations) which must be able, energetically, to exceed the energetic barrier of the magnetosphere and then pass into higher energy planes, the first are called entamorphic, beyond the Van Hallen belt.
When we talk about higher energy planes, we must think that the earth constitutes a set of energy levels, let's say basic or lower and that the higher we rise in space and towards the cosmos, the more the energy and vibration levels are always increasing... The higher it is, the brighter it is, higher in frequency and vibration and with different physical and mathematical laws, which we cannot imagine, we as Humans on Earth ! Moreover, Spiritual Evolution in the Higher Planes requires constant study as we rise, and as we evolve Spiritually! For this, it has Space Universities, it's truly extraordinary! Life on Earth is only an initial evolutionary stage, that of our Spirit, the finality is up there, with a very long Path towards the Creator...
It is quite easy to imagine that everyone has their own evolutionary journey, and that this journey depends, during each successive human life, on their evolutionary work, their attitude, their positive personal learning, their respect for others and our own creativity! It's not a question of money, bank accounts and even personal fortune, not at all, moreover Spiritual Evolution cannot be bought! Money is only matter, invented by Man, not by the Creator, and matter is only for the Earth... even gold!
A great personal reflection is to clarify that Creation is the Work of the Creator, but we must still accept (or better yet believe in), the great principle of Creation (of God)!!! Otherwise it's much longer or in any case, it's more complicated all the same! It is better to be Spiritual than to be materialistic! Nowadays it is difficult not to be materialistic, to be tempted by a lifestyle based on money and in this sense with the possibilities that this can allow some... They say that money does not bring happiness... and to add that money does not bring about Spiritual evolution either, certainly that can help somewhat!
In everyone's daily life, there is a notion of a life of Subsistence and a notion of a life of Existence!
Subsistence is our daily world where we live and where we have to live with the necessary, subsistence, inevitable constraints of life on Earth. You must have housing, income through work, etc., etc.
The notion of Existence is located, in its principle, above Subsistence, the latter should be realized, if possible on a daily basis (of course)! Existence is what allows us to do our Spiritual Evolution more quickly and perhaps even more efficiently! We then talk about Conscious evolution! This is the Objective of every Human Being, day after day, during their life on Earth... But who really knows? We don't learn that in school either!
To return to Subsistence, it is essential and it is up to everyone to make it as pleasant as possible, and here we are talking about mechanical evolution, a more difficult path, all the more so if this subsistence is difficult to live with! We all know that sometimes there can be difficulties of various kinds during life!
The notion of Existence calls upon a necessary (more Higher) level of Consciousness, which every Human Being must one day implement during their daily life. With Consciousness, which here is that of our Spirit, it is a question of a positive approach and attitude, then we understand better that Spiritual Evolution is more effective and also can be faster. In other words, Spiritual Evolution also means having a certain Consciousness, a higher Consciousness, let's say superior, and in particular outside the pure materiality of things or things limited only to the earth!
In all cases, the Spirit takes what is positive, most vibratory, with more knowledge in the broad sense, that is to say within the framework of “knowledge” acquired on a daily basis which leads to “knowledge” or even, and this is even stronger, is what leads to “Wisdom” ! Wisdom is actually the use of Knowledge. Likewise, Knowledge is the right application or use of Knowledge, etc., etc... A lot of knowledge leads to Knowledge and a lot of Knowledge leads to Wisdom... We sometimes talk about Old Sages! A beautiful image...
It should be noted that making one's Spiritual evolution is not only essential, but above all that it is up to each person, according to their own wishes, at their own pace, one might say, but above all in a Conscious way. That is to say that we must better understand why we are on Earth. You should also know that after human life cycles (several successive incarnations), the path will continue on the other side in the so-called Higher Planes! In fact every Human Being has his or her personal evolutionary journey which ultimately will continue on the other side! This is an inescapable Law of Creation.
One of the points to note about Spiritual evolution and the Knowledge to be acquired from the Earth is ultimately quite simple: On the Earth it is Nature (and our parents genetically speaking) which makes our entire human body, while on the other hand each Spirit, becoming a future Higher Cosmic Being, will have to make its own body which will henceforth be pure cosmic, and it will do so according to what it has learned during its various earthly human lives! This will be the first step in any case! In fact, there are many others, subsequently, all up there, with many necessary studies in Space Universities,'s endless, the AE even speaks of Evolution Infinite spiritual!
Even those who find that we are happy on Earth, well, we must still imagine that the Creator expects something else from Humanity... He is waiting for us on the other side! It should be noted that far too many Human Beings are reincarnated many times successively and chronologically, for lack of sufficiently carrying out their Spiritual Evolution, either through ignorance of the Principle of Creation, or because they are very well on Earth! We can note here (again...) the problem of materialism very present in our current world!
This phenomenon truly explains why there are more and more of us on Earth! It is very serious and undoubtedly problematic for the future of the Earth, of Nature, because we must, we will have to feed this entire World and also cohabit! The Earth does not really have the capacity to feed, in the medium term, perhaps up to 10 billion Human Beings! This is a truly major debate for the human community and for great leaders!
According to the principle of creation, according to the books in Energy Anthropology by Professor Zeberio, we understand that the good value of the number of Human Beings living on Earth should be generally below 5 Billion Humans ! In these proportions, Nature would better cope with its various constraints!
If, today, this number of Human Beings living on Earth continues to increase, this is for several reasons! Indeed, it is quite easy to understand some of them, such as ignorance as to why Man is passing through the Earth and that he is not sufficiently completing his journey of Evolution there. Spirit, that money is a factor of personal well-being, above all, of selfishness in general, that the social gap is widening inexorably, that there is a lack of schools in certain regions of the world, etc., etc... The list is terribly long...
In short, the evolutionary principle of every Human Spirit is based on very simple principles, such as knowledge and respect for Nature, our Mother Nature, respect for others, mutual aid, education, etc. ., positive thinking, and above all not taking ourselves for Gods, even if we have the Divine in us! This is about these extraordinary energetic dimensions which are within us and allow us to exist, to live in good health and above all to be able to evolve our own Spirit.
Our Spirit, thanks to its very subtle electromagnetic Structure, is also our personal and indestructible eternal safe!
But we can ask ourselves the question of knowing what we must really learn and study in this current life, what is necessary, complementary, etc., and not do (redo) what may already have been done. been made in a previous human life.
In fact, it is the Intelligence of Creation (once again) that has endowed us with another Higher Electromagnetic Personal Cell, (which is part of the Structure of the Spirit) which Professor Zeberio calls the 3rd Positive! It is this cell (also called Soul... by the way) which comes into play unconsciously, since it is capable of reading in our energetic safe, our knowledge already acquired, in this life and in previous ones.. ., and thus avoid wasting "evolutionary time" one might say, and thus dedicate ourselves to the acquisition of new knowledge, useful for oneself! Each Spirit has its own journey, its own program, one might say! This is the Magic of Creation! We are all unique, similar perhaps but different and unique both for the biological bodily aspects and for the Spirit with its knowledge already acquired and that pending as well!
We must imagine that all of Humanity is expected, eventually and gradually, one fine day..., on the other side, when the Terrestrial Human evolutionary journey is completed, but also that we are not not a flock of sheep, because we are all different!
The Creator expects to receive intelligent Beings, who have made a beautiful and diverse journey of Spiritual Evolution on Earth! This entire journey must be done with respect and acceptance of others, but also sharing with others (knowledge), in respect for Nature, respect for Life, etc., in short and quite simply in respect for the Work of the Creator!
Thank you to Professor Zeberio for bringing us these explanations thanks to his extraordinary discoveries, in his books on Energy Anthropology.
Thank you...