Definition of Energetic Anthropology

Information according to the Energetic Anthropology of Professor JT Zeberio

The term "Anthropology" is defined in any dictionary and translates generally as the knowledge of Man (the science of man, etc.) since its origin.

From the Greek Anthrôpos: man and logos: science, it is also the study of the social dimension of man and that makes part of human sciences

There are also a number of variations of Anthropology, and for example on Wikipedia we can count a certain number of them!

On the other hand, for the energetic part, it becomes somewhat complicated, because this word "energetic" is used for a number of indications, in our daily and everyday language , also for a number of meanings and in various and multiple contexts.

So what does energy mean in our daily lives? I'll let you think about it a little! This word is too general, but that's how it is.

For the Argentinian Professor, José Tomás Zeberio, the term energetic has another meaning since it is about the presence of energies of "electromagnetic nature", very subtle, energies vibratory always in motion, permanently and variable, and were perceptible thanks to the exceptional clairvoyance of Professor Zeberio!

Indeed one of the particularities of electromagnetic energies, of the world of energies, is that they are always in motion, they are therefore rather dynamic and in this sense it cannot really be static!

Generally speaking, all these energies are naturally invisible to our eyes, to our standard human field of vision. However, sometimes they can be visible or rather felt thanks to our perception (which is different from the pure vision of our eyes), but in all cases they have multiple particularities and properties for various functions!

Professor Zeberio spoke of vibrations, trains of waves, movements of a geometric nature, of different shapes and structures, of different frequencies, of different sounds, of different colors, etc., etc. It is about characteristics that go further than those defined and known in our Science and Physics books!

To put it simply, these permanent and essential energies for all forms of life on Earth, around us and in us and for some also in ourselves, they are always electromagnetic and above all very subtle since they are generally not visible both to the human eye and to current scientific equipment!

However, medical imaging which evolves regularly and in particular thanks to MRI, for example, can see unknown colors thanks to image reprocessing. There is no doubt that in the future imaging techniques will evolve and undoubtedly discover what Professor Zeberio could perceive naturally for several decades already!

Professor Zeberio has demonstrated for a very long time, already in the last century, that it is energy, magnetism in the broad sense which is at the origin of Life and the evolution of living things on Earth, and this in the global sense, at all evolutionary stages, for all species, fish, birds, plants, trees, animals, humans, elementary living organisms, etc., etc.

The question we can ask ourselves is to ask ourselves where these energies come from and how they are organized, orchestrated so that all living things, and not just Human Beings, are provided with them, but also why this is essential and fundamental!

Through the few pages of this website "", we will gradually approach and present a global approach to Energy Anthropology in order to better situate the extent of the research work and especially the exceptional magnitude of Professor Zeberio's discoveries.

Professor Zeberio's books, namely "Cosmic Laws and Conscious Evolution" and "Cosmic Laws and the Psychology of Biology" were written in an approach structured and in this sense rather scientific.

These 2 major books, because there are a few others, are very dense and totally new in terms of their content, with many neologisms! This is normal since these are discoveries, with a quantity of new and surprising information, but nevertheless remain accessible to all!

Prof. Zeberio's books are absolutely not esoteric! It is truly a great synthesis of all of his discoveries, over the course of a lifetime devoted to research in a field where the invisible, to our human eyes, is preponderant and permanent.

The area of ​​coverage of knowledge from AE is quite gigantic to the extent that to better understand the energy dimension... We must imagine that everything starts from space (from above), from our Galaxy with its hundreds of thousands of stars, its constellations, as well as the giant planets of our solar system, and all of this constantly contributes to providing the quantities of energy that the Earth absolutely needs, which we too, and even all living things, we need to live and even survive! We see here that we go beyond the framework of scientific knowledge both in classical physics and in quantum physics! This implies that Professor Zeberio's discoveries are part of a "New Science" to be discovered by current researchers, to one day complement our current Science books!

Then these (the energies from above...) converge to carry out 2 major necessary functions, one is dedicated to the global activity of the great magnet that is planet Earth and the other is very important. towards the Center of the Earth, to then produce 2 different domains of electromagnetic cells. In one of the 2 areas these (informed) electromagnetic energies will become higher electromagnetic cores to constitute the basic elements of future Human Spirits. For the other domain it is to constitute quantities of families of specific electromagnetic cells which will then rise to the earth's surface, certain in via the oceans, to do their work of codifying the entire scale of life on Earth, for all species, at all stages, etc., etc. We can see here already with the scale of the marine animals of the oceans, and on the other hand with those on land. These energy cells are informed to respond to their codification work with energetic information sent to the earth by certain constellations to codify/inform all living things on Earth. This is the general principle, the AE explains all this to us in detail... it's really fascinating...

Then so on, we discover more and more the determining, capital and vital role of Nature for life to be possible on Earth... At the top of the ladder of life, it is the Human kingdom, the stage the most evolved on Earth but above all it is about the evolutionary continuity of living things since the origin of planet Earth with a principle of codification of living things, where man uses all possible codifications, this is the stage the most sophisticated!

Another aspect of Professor Zeberio's discoveries is that of our body with our biology which necessarily has a psychology!

It is, in fact, the psychology of biology! Our biology is codified, electromagnetically by so-called codified energy cells, even before our birth! The coded cells have also and necessarily contributed to the creation of our biology with on the other hand the genetic contribution via DNA (for the genetics transmitted by our parents).

You should know that the energetic, electromagnetic cells, called codified, also brought an experience of previous lives by principle of memories of the lower stages! In fact, Man has within himself the sum of all the memories of the life experiences of everything that existed before him, since the origin of the Earth. This is yet another fundamental discovery by Professor Zeberio!

Our body also has several electromagnetic structures, some for biology, our organs and others for our Mind. The Human Spirit is in reality an electromagnetic, immaterial, very subtle structure! Professor Zeberio told us that on Earth, only Human Beings have a Spirit!

But that's not all, since in every Human Being, it is the vibrational level of his Spirit which indicates what is the level of evolution of his Spirit, that is to say his level of spiritual evolution! We also understand that not all Human Beings have the same level of evolution. It is not a question of religion, belief, country where one lives, etc., but of the journey of every Spirit during its various human lives already completed! I am talking here about the various human incarnations necessary for every Spirit... Note also that in each human life the Spirit has passed into a different physical body, in a different country, at different chronological times, etc., etc. Our family name only has relative and administrative importance during a given life, etc., but in fact our true personality is of a cosmic order, it is that of our Spirit! But unfortunately and generally speaking, a very large part of Humanity has no idea of ​​this reality among Human Beings. Thanks to Professor Zeberio's discoveries, these are truly fundamental discoveries!

It is sometimes said that life continues after life, and yes! It's never over! I am referring here to our Spirit which is indestructible, immortal and moreover in “Eternal Evolution”, according to Professor Zeberio!

"Death is part of Life and it is necessary " to the evolutionary process of life! In fact, death, generally speaking, is there to end the cycle of life when precisely the physical body, its biological part, has reached its limits of life... and from an energetic point as well, with its personal energetic fuel. We all have a baggage of energetic fuel received from our birth and this, once consumed, causes physical death. It is an inexorable energy law! On this question of death, in every Human Being, Professor Zeberio also discovered that there are also various energetic conditions that come into play. It is energetics, via the so-called codified cells which control the biological body! The various reasons or origins of bodily death are numerous of course, but sometimes they can therefore be strictly energetic. So to believe that we could live longer, from a biological point of view, thanks to modern medicine, is false, but we can always dream..., knowing that from an energetic point of view, this This is absolutely not possible! No, the biological human body cannot live unlimitedly, our personal energy fuel absolutely does not allow it, it is one of the Laws of Creation.

The Spirit, which represents our real personality, our Cosmic personality, according to the rules of Creation, will continue its infinite path towards a new incarnation on Earth, if it has not acquired enough knowledge..., of Light... and then obligatory return to Earth, either the vibrational potential of our Spirit is sufficient and there is the great endless journey towards eternity, towards the Higher Planes... to continue our “Cosmic Spiritual Evolution” from now on.

With the EA, Professor Zeberio brings us a quantity of new knowledge, it is up to everyone, who wishes, to study it for their greatest interest, and especially for that of the Evolution of their Spirit, in other words for their own personal Spiritual Evolution!

To conclude, "the notion of spirituality" has nothing to do with any Religion, belief, family certainty, esoteric approach, etc., or I don't know what other organization...

Not at all, even if this is often a source of confusion or confusion!

Spirituality is what concerns the enrichment of knowledge in energetic form (real holograms) of our Spirit, in other words, the evolution of our Spirit: "it is the Spiritual"!

On the other hand, everything that concerns aspects of our physical body is said to be: corporeal! It is also the aspect of matter, the material of the physical body!

It is generally the material side that prevents Humanity from evolving spiritually!

Thank you...

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