It is not a question here of morality defined in the dictionary, nor even of ethics, nor of judging others, of what religions say, etc., etc.
Energetic Anthropology (EA) allows us to learn why we are truly on Earth!
The main reason is to make and continue our own "Spiritual Evolution" knowing that for this, several successive human lives are necessary and this via the principle of multiple successive human incarnations.
Every Human Being is naturally concerned by this “Law of the Creator”!
We all have a current human life which is part of an important and fundamental process where there are 2 important Laws, namely: that of the life of Subsistence and that of the life of Existence...
Subsistence is quite simply our daily life, necessary and indispensable.
Existence is what further determines our own Spiritual Evolution, what we must do, for this, consciously and naturally in compliance with Morality according to the AE.
Existence concerns more our Spirit, that is to say our true reason for being on Earth... that of realizing and pursuing our Personal Spiritual Evolution...
With the personal study of Energy Anthropology, we learn that with Morality, it is simply the behavior of every Human Being, first of all towards himself but also towards of others, of the external world including that of all Nature.
According to the Morality explained by the EA, it is simply about self-respect, respect for one's own personal values and naturally respect for others.
Morality is a truly personal matter, the major and main reason of which is to behave well and respect oneself, not to be proud, to avoid vanity, idolatry, speculation, all negative actions and harmful in reality, etc., in short everything which is in fact harmful to Man in general and especially to oneself in particular!
You should also not invent a character, especially in adulthood, not make mistakes about yourself, nor abuse others, not judge them, etc. Cheating in any way towards others is also and first of all cheating towards yourself! Our Spirit knows when we are positive and when we are negative, it is even automatic without us being aware of it! For example, the theft of something material or intellectual brings us nothing, that's obvious even if we want to convince ourselves of the contrary... We are passing through, the time of a human life on Earth, and what is important to understand is what we are going to take with us to the other side and this is absolutely material! It's energetic! And in this process of formation of holograms of knowledge or wisdom automatic morality (in every human being) has given its implacable opinion: OK if it is in morality and positive action and otherwise it is KO, it's nothing, no hologram...
Consequently, not being in Morality is first of all doing harm to oneself, first in terms of Spiritual Evolution but perhaps also at the level of the physiological, physical body, and why not also his health! Not respecting others or Nature also and inevitably works against oneself...
Morality is simply a personal matter! In the overall principle of all human life, with our body and our Spirit, we have an assistant, an invisible spiritual being, close to our head, on the left, permanently present, close to us who takes note of our actions including our very serious and negative actions during our lives! It turns out that this result is only judged after death and not during daily active life! Morality is a personal attitude that makes us responsible for our own actions, and ideally to prevent them from being negative! Because with the negative aspects, it doesn't serve us at all and it can even harm others! The notion of not judging others and accepting them is really important and fundamental... Morality is above all about oneself...
Morality, according to the AE, is also to always improve oneself, personally and ultimately to best achieve one's Spiritual Evolution by bringing more knowledge, more Light into our Spirit. At our Death, only what is inscribed in our Spirit will remain to ascend to higher planes, while the physical body will decompose on Earth.
AE tells us that Morality is the basis of the Law of Subsistence Life, that of our daily life, of our physical body and in which our Spirit is located, which is a very subtle, totally immaterial electromagnetic structure which does not memorizes only the result of positive evolving actions via the principle of holograms, that is to say energetic memories!
Morality is everyone's business and in this sense it is also everyone's business... But who really knows?
A famous quote from Professor Zeberio:
"Man becomes a Man when he is capable, being alone, of acting as he would in front of everyone."
Thank you...