Food is a very vast area that concerns all of us, on a daily basis, throughout our life on Earth!
It is even an incessant global subject, the future of which sometimes raises questions, and rightly so!
Food is essential, for the needs of the physical body, for our biology but also for certain energetic aspects including our organs!
If for many years research and knowledge have been abundant on the main basic principles of our diet, dieticians generally master their subject very well, nevertheless the purely energetic aspect, in the electromagnetic sense is on the other hand not yet known or let's say not sufficiently known to the general public! On the internet, nowadays it is very easy to obtain information on the various caloric and nutritional aspects of food, moreover the labels give us some indications to also consult!
The word energy used in the food context does not exactly respond to what Professor Zeberio discovered, as part of his discoveries in Energy Anthropology, several decades ago, namely that our biological organs are also, in addition to their fundamental functions, energy laboratories in the electromagnetic sense! This is another facet of nutrition that is necessary for every human body and health! But who really knows? Talking about eating “Organic” is good, but does not mean either, when this is the case infrequently, to know the purely energetic aspect of food for our physical body! Organic is unfortunately not for everyone, for various reasons including cost!
the nutritional quality aspect is understood, as quality, generally when we talk about "organic" food, that is to say without treatments, without pesticides and with quality soil better, healthy! In addition, there is now also soilless cultivation and its own water supply... But what about the purely energetic aspect, here, in the electromagnetic sense, what our organs and our biology also have? need via the necessary process of feeding ?
However, this is truly extraordinary!
Indeed, food is a gigantic domain for all of Humanity, between those who eat poorly, those who waste, those who die of hunger, those who follow drastic diets to lose weight, and often without success, etc., etc. It's terrible! Not only is the distribution of food a problem, but also the nutritional quality! Too many images are visible on TV around the world.
Talking about healthy food, balanced food, proportion between the intakes in terms of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, salt, enzymes, vitamins, whatever else, is still incomplete since the electromagnetic energy value is generally not not known! And I'm not talking about modern synthetic products from the agri-food industries around the world, where we can doubt the real nutritional quality of the food products sold at the end of the chain on certain shelves!
It is obvious that all this raises questions! However, scientific and medical knowledge should be more demanding on the quality of food, for the good of all, of children, of all Humanity, today and for the future as well..
The Human body, in general, needs, through its daily diet, to eat healthy, balanced with sufficient caloric intake, but also energetically (always in the electromagnetic sense)! In fact, the quality of the food is essential! Treatment products, such as many pesticides, are not good for our health, as are so-called “GMO” products, losing natural qualities. Nature has had its own rules since the dawn of time, modern man has sometimes lost common sense in favor of profit, mass production, yield, etc., but in the end this works against the health of the humanity.
In fact what is important, in general, for our biology, is also the energy question! Moreover, if the energy aspect is of good quality, it is better for your health, and what's more, the quantity will be lower at the same time! The question of quality and variety prevails over quantity! It's implicit! But who really knows? Not everyone anyway!
We can almost say that it is not good to eat too much, because food has a very low caloric and energy value! And yet this is what happens every day! We must also not forget hyper-sweet drinks, favorites of teenagers, which should be strictly moderated! And what about excess sugar, the consequences of which are significant for the body, weight gain for example! Modern society shows us this every day!
In another area, the modern one of vegans, vegetarians, etc... which requires vigilance in the long term if the physical body does not find its caloric and nutritional balance! This remains a very personal question.!
Food that has undergone a number of treatments (pesticides, for treatment of various diseases (bacteria, fungi, etc.), GMOs, etc.) and moreover with soil, artificially forced with chemical fertilizers, which is ultimately less good quality while producing more quantity! It's a terrible paradox!
So this food has lost many of its own energetic and nutritional qualities! It's a reality! What can we say about what researchers are proposing to feed the world, in the long term, with synthetic products..., insects, and what not? We went crazy! Food is not just an aspect of proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, lipids, etc., proportions, colors, ultimately calories, etc., etc.! There is also an energetic aspect in the electromagnetic sense!
The ancients already knew that the quality of food is essential, for living, for working, for health, etc... We must therefore not forget the words of ancient sages...
Food, diet is not a question of quantity but truly of quality, in the interest of all, in the interest of health quite simply, and must correspond to the personal needs of each person, according to their age, his physical, intellectual activity, etc., etc. !
So what happens when the energy aspect is insufficient, our organs suffer directly in the long term! We are always playing, against ourselves and against our own health! We slowly weaken our bodies, day by day. With Energy Anthropology we learn that some of our major organs are real energetic and electromagnetic laboratories which produce so-called "plasma" energy, which is necessary for the energetic process of evolution of our Spirit (principle of energetic holograms) !
The new so-called "organic" trend is an excellent thing, but ultimately only addresses a minority of the population, let's say lucky, who can have access to it! But unfortunately this does not concern all children, and generally speaking, not the whole planet!
L"junk food", a fairly modern phenomenon, can be treated differently, in the long term, and for the future of humanity, in any case I hope for the interest of all, it is a question of common sense , a question of public health! What can also be said about hunger in the world, these days, with the means that exist?
We must therefore think about the quality of products (even if, more and more, we are no longer certain of anything in terms of the intrinsic quality of food products, on all or part of the food chain The examples are too numerous! Pesticides, heavy metals, drug residues in drinkable tap water, etc., the list is black and too long! when a generalization of this principle, and a provenance geographical proximity, and depending on the season We must not forget the waste of food, when so many people, children, do not eat enough or worse still die of hunger!
In general, it is strongly recommended to eat locally as much as possible, that is to say with around 70% of food produced locally! For what ? Because this food uses the same atmosphere as the one where we live, and in this sense that of the air we breathe every day! It is true that this approach really remains more complicated for all residents of large cities in particular, in our modern world which is becoming more and more populated!
Many long-distance travelers have already experienced being a little digestively disturbed for the first few days when traveling to other parts of the world, where the food is quite different from our daily lives, but also from the local atmosphere! This is also why our body needs a few days to adapt. This is how it is, even if it is preferable to avoid, even a little, spoiling the start of the holidays, because it takes a little time for our body to adapt to the local food and its traditions. associated!
The caloric value and diversity, the balanced side is very good as a basic approach. The small question of the contents of our plate, and that of the energy value (electromagnetic) must also be present to us, on a daily basis. We all know that our body has caloric and energy needs, giving it what it needs is very good, giving it too much, seeing too much does not make sense in many respects... p>
Good quality food contributes to better health of our organs and generally to our overall good health! Some countries have been aware of this for millennia and the population is doing better!
Thank you...