The theme of Death

Information according to the Energetic Anthropology of Prof. José Tomás Zeberio

Here is a rather particular theme, that of death. This is inexorably an inevitable step for every Human Being. Death is part of life according to the Laws of Creation.

Prof. Zeberio has studied extensively the various stages of the dying process and also what happens after bodily death. During his extensive research, he spent a lot of time in various cemeteries, to understand what he saw and perceived energetically with decomposing physical bodies. This is the energetic process of human energetic disembodiment.

In the principle of Creation, for the Human kingdom, biological death, that of the physical body, is entirely part of the Human Evolutionary Process, that is to say of spiritual Evolution, and this for each Human Being.

The physical body, the human body has, in principle, a long life course, which starts from the period of pregnancy until its last breath, passing through all stages of life, through all ages , also via various energetic stages.

The death of the physical body is therefore normal, inevitable, and even necessary according to the principle of Creation, since death is part of life!

In the energetic structure of the human body, there are several energies which are necessary for life, and there is a very particular, very subtle energy which serves as energetic fuel both for the physical body but also for its Spirit! This very particular energetic fuel, made of spatial energies, they are very subtle and generally invisible, and is called "Perisomatic Energy", or "Perisoma", according to the discoveries of Prof. Zeberio. This is part of Energetic Anthropology (EA).


The Perisoma, is made up of a certain quantity of astral energy (coming from within the magnetosphere), (and not cosmic), received before birth, at the beginning of gestation. It is invisible to our eyes, it is this bluish energy which completely envelops our entire physical body and which we consume automatically throughout our lives! It is our essential and personal energy fuel for our entire human life!

When this fuel is completely exhausted, naturally, generally at the end of its life, we then speak of natural death. The principle of this totally consumed Perisomatic energy means that contrary to certain medical or non-medical points of view, we cannot live longer with I don't know what medication, or other medical device! It's impossible, these are totally false and purely fanciful ideas or hypotheses!

The end of the presence of Perisomatic energy means physical death... unlike a car running out of fuel for example... It must be understood here that in such a situation, the life of the physical body has reached its maximum possible life, limited to its own fuel, with its own Perisoma, and this is even independent of age. Saving your Perisoma can sometimes allow you to live a longer life than average, but you should also not forget the other personal aspects of aging...

In the case of natural death, that is to say at the end of life, it occurs following an energetic disturbance in the body when this "energy fuel", the perisoma, is entirely consumed!

This is the most natural case, that of so-called natural death! In this case the age of death will depend on how the individual consumed their personal energy fuel, during their life, in general. We must see here various sensitive aspects which are for example lifestyle, exhausting physical work, long-term physical fatigue, serious illnesses and generally according to the importance of health problems which will increase the consumption of its Perisomatic energy. Good health is in principle a factor of longevity, but it is really very personal!

Other forms of possible death are, in general, due to multiple circumstances that we can hear every day (illness, accidents, heart problems, major problems, even psychological ones, etc., etc.). And in these cases, it is indeed another circumstance which produces death, whatever the age reached!

As soon as physical, biological death is noted (by a doctor), the energetic functioning of the biology of the deceased Being will quickly and automatically take charge of several necessary energetic stages. However, it may take more or less time, depending on the disease(s), age, chemical medical treatments, etc., etc. Forensic scientists have known for decades that consuming certain foods containing chemical preservatives for years also has the effect of significantly slowing down the decomposition process. But time no longer counts after death... Time is that of life, of living on Earth.

The particular case of suicide, an act which then leads to physical death, must be categorized in a more specific context, for what follows after death, that of energetic disincarnation. In fact, suicide is the most negative, the most serious thing to do with regard to the Creator, because it must be clearly understood, here, that it is a lack of respect for the Work of the Creator, which is precisely to give the possibility of life to Human Beings, via the process of human incarnation and their Spiritual Evolution.

The question of suicide is in this sense really very negative from many points of view, since this act puts an end to human life, where precisely the deep meaning of human life is to make a Spirit evolve. The consequences are therefore, first of all, negative and numerous, for this Spirit!

First of all, you must know that the time of detachment of this Spirit from its inert biological body for life will be longer than the average time necessary, especially if the subject is still young... Indeed in this case depending on the quantity of Perisomatic energy which remains and envelops the lifeless body, this will considerably slow down the energetic processes necessary for biological decomposition... As soon as this step is completed, its Spirit will join its frequency plane corresponding to that of his Spirit, in the upper atmosphere terrestrial. There will begin the normal process of lethargy, postmortem... This period will really be much longer than average, due to suicide, as a sort of additional punishment. This time of lethargy in the upper atmosphere can last up to several centuries instead of several decades.

On the other hand, once descended for a new incarnation, the new human being who will inherit this Spirit (ex suicide) will not know it, but however, will have a very difficult life, and even out of step with the society where he will live, with ultimately very little Spiritual Evolution possible. This reincarnated Spirit will need another next human life, to finally find a normal life, the normal process, and a real possibility, for this other new Human Being for its Spiritual Evolution. In other words, suicide is really to be discouraged, as much as possible, because the consequences are really too, too serious!

But let's return to the classic post-mortem process, therefore after biological death, in any human body. It is the energetic part of the lifeless body, which manages this aspect, according to the Laws of the Creator. At this stage, it is biology which is irremediably dead, however only its Spirit continues to live, so to speak, since this Spirit is immortal! It is then that a certain period of time will pass, in years (with 1 to 2 years (or even more), on average, or even more depending on the geographical location), so that the Spirit of the deceased Being who was still attached to his physical body, but in the process of decomposition could finally leave it and rise into the upper atmosphere. At this stage it will go to its frequency plane, inside the Earth's Magnetosphere. The frequency plan corresponds, in fact, to the vibrational value, that is to say the frequency that this Spirit had, at the end of its very last human life! For more information, see the page on the upper planes on this site.

The energetics of the biological body part, what Prof. Zeberio calls "the psychology of biology" has worked throughout the life of this Human Being, and even then after the death of the physical body with the management of the process of decomposition including that of detachment from the Spirit! These are automatic energy processes according to the Laws of Nature.

Obviously there are many possible causes of death, but in the end the energetic processes are generally the same.

Indeed, upon biological death, the coded cell families will also manage the decomposition of the body. The Spirit will leave its body (its vehicle of evolution) which has now finished its work, that of a single biological earthly life, to ascend to its frequency plane. For the families of energetic, electromagnetic cells, called codified, they too will leave the body of the deceased Being, to then rise to their own respective vibrational plane in the troposphere...

It should nevertheless be noted that the codified cells have brought their life program (for a given organ or bodily sector, but also for the entire physical body), throughout bodily life, and that they have in return, memorized their various life experiences, in the form of energetic memories! Subsequently, these so-called codified cells will be used again for future Human Beings who will come to incarnate on Earth...

A Spirit (Energetic Cumul)which descends from the upper atmosphere, to incarnate in a future Human Being, arrives with baggage called an energetic accumulation (in AE), that is to say with a family of codified cells (but also many others energy cells, microorganisms, energy particles, bacteria, etc.), for a new body, to be created, managed, etc., which will be incarnated! This technical, scientific information is part of the AE, of Professor Zeberio's discoveries.

This is how there is an evolution of the biological aspect of new physical bodies, over time, for future Human Beings, but also of general knowledge in Society (discoveries, sciences, technologies , etc.,), ultimately what our deceased predecessors left us! In the Universe, but also in our Galaxy, on Earth, it is energetics (invisible to our eyes) which ensures all this functioning, where everything is memorized, where nothing is lost, in fact, and it is therefore the energetic aspect which takes care of this according to the Laws of the Creator. As Professor Zeberio often told us: “beautify everything you touch” or to think of this question: “Who will inherit your shadow?”

To conclude this web page, it is necessary to note a particular point on cremation, that is to say on cremation. Some cultures and traditions have been doing this for a long time for their dead and others have not! That's how it is. However, nowadays, certain serious illnesses pose more and more problems for the life of Society. I will simply talk about the case of cancer, which greatly worried Professor Zeberio, as to the evolution of this very serious illness which continues to reach more and more people and even at younger ages...

This disease is first energetic (before being cellular, biological), and even continues to live up to 2 years after the biological death of the physical body of a being who died of cancer. Professor Zeberio had noticed that this energy of cancer remained, following death, floating, in the atmosphere, especially near cemeteries, places of decomposition, and that therefore, these energies of cancer could be caught by other , via breathing for example...

But even worse, is the fact that Spirits (energetic accumulations, for future beings) who descend on Earth for a new Human incarnation, can catch these bad, cancerous energies, even before the birth of a new Human Being. , from pregnancy. This is a terrible reality!!!

Prof. Zeberio generally recommended cremation for All Beings who died of cancer or serious and very contagious diseases! Indeed, cremation totally destroys the energy of cancer, as well as that of other contagious diseases!!! This would make it possible to purify the atmosphere, he said, of these harmful energies, in order one day to reduce the impact of these terrible diseases, including cancer where cases are, unfortunately, statistically increasing, at the level of the population. 'All humanity!

In conclusion, let us say that cremation also has the effect of allowing the Spirit to very quickly leave the physical body of this deceased being... It is the same for families of codified cells which are not destroyed by the principle of incineration, by fire in fact. (on the other hand for so-called primary cells, for the skin, they will be destroyed, because they can only be used for one human life).

To conclude, Professor Zeberio advised offering and placing a red rose, previously containing our most beautiful thoughts filled with Love for the deceased, on his chest, inside the coffin, and this individual and personal way for the Loved One who has left us!   The latter, he told us, will be able to energetically capture this message of personal Love...

Thank you...

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