Birth is truly an important stage in life for a newborn, but also for their parents, for their family, etc., and according to the Laws of Creation. It's generally a great family event!
The phase of pregnancy, of gestation, is nowadays better and better monitored and even controlled by health professionals, and this is an excellent thing for future mothers and their babies in the first place!
The stages of pregnancy are well known by specialist medicine in this field. The various stages are always identical, like a clock, however it happens that certain complications (biological, energetic, genetic) modify this very sensitive and very important period for the future baby!
The stage of embryology, then fetology from the 3rd month, and the rest of the pregnancy thereafter, is very dense in terms of the evolution of the future baby, in the womb of its mother ! Generally we only think of the future little Being, with its physical body, however there are also various energetic stages that come into play. The energetic aspect is necessary and very important!
Indeed the aspect of energetic incarnation, relatively little known in classical medicine, is in reality very important, from the first days of life of the embryo, where it evolves very quickly! This means that there are many consecutive energetic stages in addition to the biological aspect in the first days of pregnancy. Professor Zeberio's Energetic Anthropology gives us a lot of detail on these various processes, both energetic and biological. It's truly wonderful!
In the most general case, that of a pregnancy which is going well, where the child is desired, without genetic concerns either, it is still necessary to note how the future Mother should be in a state of calm , serenity, without strong emotions due to the vagaries of daily life or with strong stress (like that of the world of work, sometimes), in order to better protect the future baby she is carrying inside her! We must understand here that everything that the future mother will experience on a daily basis is also shared with her future baby! This is known to current medicine...
In fact, from the 4th month of pregnancy the future baby begins to receive all the psychology, that of the atmosphere of daily life, from his mother! From the 6th month, this future baby energetically engraves within him all the psychology of what his mother experiences! According to Energetic Anthropology (EA), this is how it is, it's automatic! The psychology of the mother can be positive and then everything is fine, or on the contrary, the psychology can be negative (or even very negative), very agitated, disturbed, whatever the reason, and it is then that inevitably, the future baby energetically absorbs all of this context... and memorizes it all! This aspect of psychology received from his mother brings a first knowledge of life to this child! For example, what the mother likes, the child will also like it and in a different way; otherwise, like her, he will not like it either...
In other words, this means that the psychological context of the future mother during pregnancy will be transmitted to her future child. The future baby will have all this in his energetic memory, within him, and even for his whole life!
This is very important (even harmful for him) from early childhood until puberty. This is a special period of one's life, a very important stage on an energetic level and not only biologically and physically. In principle, after puberty, this young adolescent (boy or girl) will however have the possibility of surpassing this psychology received from his mother during pregnancy, from the 6th month until childbirth, without however being aware of it.
However, it sometimes happens that the young adolescent cannot surpass the psychology he received from his mother (in his energetic cell called Semater, in EA), during his gestation! This could then lead to so-called energetic blockages later during his adult life... It must be understood here that the child carries within him energetic memories which do not belong to him (which do not come from himself ), but what are those that her mother passed on to her... In general, the mother doesn't know it herself. Just as each pregnancy can be carried out in a different context, for a brother or a sister for example...
Furthermore, it should be noted that when a pregnancy is not at all desired, in a difficult context, such as a single or abandoned woman, or even worse following a rape, everyone can imagine that the future child will receive a particular psychology from his mother, in him, when he comes into the world... These difficult situations are not that rare, quite the contrary!
But let's return to more joyful aspects of life, where pregnancy is truly a major step, joyful, and even decisive for the entire future life of a new Being who comes to incarnate on Earth! !!
In the case of a birth with twins, whether they are identical or fraternal twins, it is quite obvious that the psychology of the future mother, which is engraved, will be the same for each twin... Moreover they will often develop a great bond, which is generally easy to see after birth, during early childhood and even throughout their respective lives!
The act of childbirth must be done by professionals, Professor Zeberio told us, with the necessary hygiene, as well as for the environment, and in particular for the energetic aspects. It should be noted that up to the age of 2, every newborn does not yet have a personal defense system, from an energetic point of view (an aspect of its laryngeal sector which is not yet developed) ! This is the reason why it is a period of frequent colds, childhood illnesses, crying, etc., where the child cannot eliminate his own energetic disorders or infections of this kind, essentially thanks to to these tears or even his anger! This process is in this sense normal.
Until the age of 2, the child really needs the proximity of his mother, in many ways, but also on a purely energetic level! This step is very important for the young child! We can't help but think of the children, too many, born under X, separated from their mothers, what consequences this can have for their entire lives! In the same type of situations, undesirable, is that, very particular, of surrogate mothers, and to ask the real question which is to know how the child will have to live his whole life in such circumstances! The modern world and its modern medicine leads to deviations, from common sense, sometimes, from Nature, from the good natural principle of having children in normal conditions... Of course, we must see the aspect of the parents, but also that of the child himself and his life to realize for himself, and of course for his spiritual evolution... Professor Zeberio said that we do not own our children!
In this global context, on pregnancy and birth, there is also the problem of abortion (abortion), a phenomenon which has existed for a long time, knowing that there are really different types of abortions! When it is Nature who decides, that is how it is, and we must then respect Nature's choice!
On the other hand, when we talk about abortion, whatever the reason, Professor Zeberio has often explained to us, and even with great insistence, that from an energetic point of view it is good to understand a certain number of phenomena, which he discovered during his years of research in EA during his work in a hospital environment!
Indeed, in the principle of the energetic incarnation of a future baby, there is an energetic aspect and a biological aspect with its genetics inherited from its creative parents! On a biological level, an abortion really means ending the life (killing) of an embryo or fetus, that's clear! It is not the future baby who decides on this serious act! On the other hand, he suffers it as well as his Spirit...
On the energetic level it is much more complicated, even, and often even detrimental, to the extent that the Spirit of this future baby who violently had to leave the aborted mother. Its energetic accumulation (without a process of energetic disincarnation) will automatically, by the Law of Creation, seek to incarnate again, and as quickly as possible, with another and therefore a new future mother! We must understand here that it will be another future being (another physical body), another child with another future mother (a second mother in fact, and another family)...
But depending on the length of time from the first pregnancy until the abortion (in terms of weeks and months) this is very detrimental to the possibility of the future baby living with another, the second future mother. ! For what? Because, in the energetic process from the beginning of pregnancy, a set of energy cells necessary for the embryology phase, in the first months, are definitively lost (because of voluntary abortion)! The consequence is therefore, that when this same Spirit (future baby) is again in incarnation in a new mother (this time), the latter will inevitably (or not) give birth to an abnormal baby!!!
In fact, part of the energetic baggage which accompanied the Spirit for its initial incarnation was lost, irremediably during the voluntary and medical abortion! By Law of Creation, this Spirit (truncated energetic accumulation) will seek to incarnate, again, quickly, with another mother (second attempt at incarnation) with a deteriorated energetic background. Professor Zeberio even spoke of castrated energy accumulation following an induced abortion. We can imagine that this has important consequences, in fact, it is no longer a normal situation in the gestation process! However, this Spirit absolutely wants to incarnate and come into the world to continue its Spiritual evolution...
This observation is terrible! For the new mother in question, her family, Society, the future being himself, obviously! The consequences of an abortion, especially a late one, from an energetic point of view, are not at all known to health professionals! It's really a shame! It is easy to see that despite progress in neonatal medicine, there are more and more malformations and various problems at birth! This is worth thinking about!!! We are looking in genetics, with DNA, but here, the problem is completely different, purely energetic with the problem of the too frequent mechanism of abortion, in general, by choice of the (first) mother! Induced abortion (abortion) is not a trivial act, and undoubtedly not provided for in the fundamental principle of Creation.
To summarize, regarding any abortion (by human decision), the later it is, several months (more than 3 months), will implicitly result in an abnormal baby for another mother! The first mother who had an abortion (by her own choice) doesn't even know it! On the other hand, let's think about the other mother and her baby, the family question, this tragedy of life, etc. It's really terrible!
So to close this aspect on abortion (by choice of the mother, etc.), the more this abortion is at the very beginning of pregnancy (1 month let's say) the consequences will not be too serious for the future baby with another mother! But if we go to 2 months and even 3 months (and worse if even more), then it's terrible, since it will be an abnormal child, even non-viable! You should know that sometimes abortion is even later (more than 3 months) in certain countries. In addition, health professionals extend this period (without knowing the impact described above), to impose additional reflection time on the pregnant mother wishing to have an abortion! A mother who decides to have an abortion, for personal convenience, undoubtedly feels very alone when faced with her choice and with the medical administrative part who wants to do well, wanting to change the mind of the first mother wishing an abortion, in term of ethics, only aggravates a complex situation with consequences that are too painful for another family who absolutely did not expect this!
We can clearly see here that Society is not at all informed on this issue of abortion, especially for personal convenience, and not on medical advice, with the inevitable and dramatic energetic impact, and especially on the disastrous consequences to much respect! a Child resulting from such an abnormal scenario will probably make less (or no) Spiritual evolution and will need another future human life, that is to say another incarnation, then, to resume the normal course of the evolutionary process of this Spirit!
Pregnancy and birth are, however, part of one of the most beautiful things in Creation, in every Human Being, it is the magic of life and its continuity from generation to generation, from family to family! We are all the result of this process of coming into the world, we must never forget it. Having a child is also and above all for this child first, for his Spirit and for his own journey of Spiritual Evolution..., according to the Laws of Creation. A Spirit needs to be incarnated, to have a physical body, in good health, in order to be able to realize and continue its Spiritual Evolution...
Thank you...