The Earth can be defined as a large, very particular magnet, with its two magnetic poles, North and South.
It also has 2 different directions towards the North, namely geographic North and magnetic North, which are often discussed. Magnetic north is what attracts a compass needle. This magnetic orientation has slowly shifted, in recent years, from the Canadian Great North towards an orientation further to the East, namely Siberia. The phenomenon causes the magnetic north to approach the geographic north. The earth is therefore comparable with an immense magnet and its 2 magnetic poles and what is more a vast magnetic field permanently surrounds the planet Earth, as well as a permanent flow on the one hand North-South and on the other hand South-North crosses the Earth!
There are many scientific opinions and hypotheses about what the Earth's core really is and its internal composition! Thanks to the research and discoveries of Professor Zeberio, the creator of Energy Anthropology (AE), we now know that the "Center of the earth is hollow", and above all that it is Very strong energetic, electromagnetic activity takes place there constantly, with very high frequency energies! It is therefore not a core of fire!
With AE, we now know that the Center of the Earth is fundamental to everything that exists on Earth, to all forms of life... and much more! This means that all living things on earth, at all stages for all species including the human kingdom, life is necessarily informed (codified) electromagnetically! This is a mechanism that responds to the Laws of Creation! It's truly extraordinary... The Earth is a very particular phenomenon, with very specific conditions for its own world of existence and life in our galaxy. It's a very specific planet, not to say unique!
The Earth constantly receives stellar and cosmic radiation from our Milky Way galaxy, to create and maintain its appearance comparable to an immense magnet. A major part of cosmic radiation has a movement in the direction of the North-South poles and also in the opposite direction, namely South-North poles. There are also radiations which do not enter through one of the poles, but rather everywhere on the surface of the earth, we speak of cosmic rays or waves. Some of these rays, but not all, emerge outwards, after having crossed the terrestrial globe, we then speak of telluric rays or waves.
Now let's talk about the Center itself, the Center of the Earth. It is easy to imagine that Man cannot descend there with his physical body, not yet and not for a long time.
Prof. Zeberio, great clairvoyant, great clairaudiant, with exceptional abilities and what's more after years of specific preparations, out of the body, managed to descend to the Center of the Earth, and even to several repeated for his own research, for several successive days! This was necessary for him to be able to observe, understand and then transcribe it in his books on AE, his work resulting from a lifetime of research and sacrifice.
So during his travels, let's say, outside his physical body, to the Center of the Earth, he discovered what is happening there, and subsequently studied thanks to his visions, his perceptions, to understand this what he saw down there! It is truly a sort of large electromagnetic forge, with permanent and alternating movements, a very luminous environment, due to radiation of all kinds and very high frequencies. So the Center of the Earth is truly Hollow... However, there is really very intense energetic, electromagnetic activity. So several questions arise: where do these energies come from, and in this sense he had to decode, understand that they were these multiple sources of radiation, and then understand that they were their functions at the Center of the Earth...
So the Center of the Earth is not a solid core, of matter, of fire as most scientists often say, but on the contrary and necessarily hollow with"a gigantic center of energies, of electromagnetic codifications" with major importance, where everything has a principle, a mechanism... In fact, this is located at the very beginning of a codifying scale, energetically speaking, to, quite simply, allow and maintain life on the Earth. In other words, Professor Zeberio discovered that if life is possible on earth, it is thanks to the quantities of cosmic radiation coming from the stars, constellations, giant planets of the solar system which constantly send codifications towards the earth and especially towards its Center... All these radiations in fact come from our Galaxy. Modern science sometimes speaks of stardust, but is not yet aware of Professor Zeberio's discoveries! On Earth, Life, and even all forms of life, are electromagnetically codified, informed!!! The Human body is above all not just a material and biological body. It is composed of cells said to be codified for our purely bodily aspect, and moreover, has a very subtle, immaterial structure that is our Spirit. All these energies in us originate from the Center of the Earth... and even initially come from space...
One of the major aspects, but not the only one, with the study of Professor Zeberio's Energy Anthropology, is the center of the Earth. Scientists are still not very close to knowing and understanding what is happening beneath our feet, approximately some 6,300 km away. This is due to the fact that access is very difficult! Professor Zeberio has achieved this, on numerous occasions, outside his body, in “decorporation” mode.
Furthermore, from a scientific point of view, it should be noted that it is rather the race towards space, the moon, Mars, etc., which mobilizes researchers more, with the crazy desire to be able to live there one day, maybe!
This is real madness! And what can we say about the disproportionate financial expenses that this represents and ultimately for what purpose?
So what should we understand about what is happening at the center of the earth? It is understanding the origin of the earth, its function in our solar system and our Galaxy, our “Milky Way”. It also means understanding what the reality of life on earth with its essential permanent energy requirement means. In fact everything that lives on earth, absolutely everything that is alive, is necessarily codified, and the multiple required and necessary codifications originate from the "Center of the Earth"! Without forgetting that everything that happens at the center of the Earth is thanks to the countless permanent cosmic energetic radiations which in a certain way supply the Earth with energy and electromagnetic codifications, allowing it to be what it really is! The earth is dependent on multiple external energy factors! It's truly extraordinary!
The center of the Earth has an immense electromagnetic forge with cyclical and alternating rotational movements which are unrelated to the natural rotation of our planet! In fact, the earth is permanently supplied with phenomenal quantities of various cosmic radiations. Then, at the center of the Earth in the great electromagnetic forge, via immense immaterial, electromagnetic structures are created from one of the so-called superior energy cells (for future Human Spirits) which subsequently via a very long evolutionary process towards the surface terrestrial, either via the seabed, or via terrestrial strata, and on the other hand other energy cells to provide information, that is to say the energetic codification of all living things on earth. These are so-called codified cells (or nuclei) (12 cells of different types and natures), each of them, in its own family of codified cells (3 families of 4 cells), by one of the 12 constellations of the Zodiac... Here it is not about horoscope at all! Sorry for Horoscope enthusiasts... So it's not on the same level of action!
The evolutionary process (future Spirits) is first carried out via various lower living species, which will serve as the basis for future Human Spirits.
But secondly, there are also the other energy cells (called codified cells) resulting from this great forge which become energetic particles, in phenomenal quantities which will then be programmed by other specific radiations according to rigorous cycles. These new cells then become so-called coded cells! In fact there are 3 families of codified cells, with 4 different types in each family, all of these codified cells will then have the mission of codifying absolutely everything that lives on Earth. It must be understood here that all forms of life on Earth are initially informed, codified. The so-called codified information comes, in reality, from certain constellations, as indicated above, these are those of the constellations of the Zodiac. It's truly magical! No, it's not science fiction, it's our reality!
We must also understand here that the Earth alone, by itself, cannot function! Indeed, it needs a permanent supply of energy from our solar system, with its giant planets and also from our galaxy. In addition, you should know that these radiations actually give the life programs of all species, at all evolutionary stages, in the large scale of the evolution of living things, on Planet Earth.
At the very top of this evolutionary scale of life we find the human kingdom... This is only the chronological continuation of the evolution of life on Earth, since its origin!
We are in a real anthropology course, here energetic, which I will not develop here, even if for me, it is tempting, but to tell the truth it is complex, and very fascinating! With the study of Professor Zeberio's Energy Anthropology, we learn to be very humble in relation to the intelligence of Creation, and also of what the Earth really is, how it works, why we are on earth and what we must do there, etc., etc.
It's truly extraordinary, and yet too few people ask real questions... Yet it's fundamental! Worse still, too many people do not know what Nature really is and what its work is, its permanent role and do not respect it! However, it is very serious, it is also very serious for the future of our planet and humanity! Nowadays we talk a lot about global warming, because it is perceptible, it is visible, but this is still quite far from knowing its intrinsic functioning, with its energetic aspects weakened and disrupted by Man, by his ignorance, his arrogance, his lack of respect and too often his inability to respect the knowledge of our elders, their indisputable common sense! We often feel like we have to walk on our heads and hit a wall!
Man is only passing through the Earth, Nature for its part will continue its mission of management and evolution of the multiple contexts of life! Thanks to our Mother Nature...
So perhaps, and I even dare to hope, that all of the fundamental principles that Professor Zeberio discovered, that he allows us to discover, study and understand, will one day be known to the great public and especially taught in schools and universities...and not only for new great scientists...
Thank you...
Note: We understand that for Prof. Zeberio, this was a considerable work, very dangerous for his own health, with his numerous trips to the Center of the Earth on multiple occasions to study, understand and even for long periods, outside of his physical body! This may seem surprising, to any rational mind, and yet this is truly what Professor Zeberio did... Big thanks to him, for what he transmitted to us, via his books, and this for all current and future humanity.
I seriously think that with the great discoveries of Professor Zeberio, major discoveries, that this really should have deserved a Nobel Prize...