Professor José Tomás Zeberio

But who was the Argentinian Professor José Tomás Zeberio (1912-2007)?

He was a very Great Humanist, an exceptional Man, in many respects, possessing great human and intellectual qualities, as well as extraordinary intelligence. He had the particularity of having innate gifts of visual perception, which is more commonly called clairvoyance, as well as gifts of auditory perceptions, called clairaudience, etc...

From his childhood he already noticed vibrations around him, trees, plants, animals, people, etc.

He naturally saw the vibrations, the permanent and incessant energetic movements which are invisible to our eyes, but nevertheless very real and very present!

He made brilliant studies first in a Catholic college, then secondary and higher studies in philosophy and anthropology, with the Jesuits until the age of 21.

He was a Doctor of Philosophy. Throughout his life, as part of his research, he was led to study in many fields: Science, botany, medicine, physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, astronomy, etc.

It was following his higher studies, not finding answers, regarding all the phenomena that only he saw, it was then that he chose to devote his entire life to studying , a life of research to observe, to understand and then to want to explain what he perceived naturally!

But he always continued his research, first in his country Argentina, and then sometimes in neighboring countries, then later in many countries around the world, to study new phenomena, energetic places , specific places, where there are major magnetic fields, etc., etc.

As his research progressed, he realized that with his physical body he could not go everywhere he needed to go, to inaccessible places in order to make his observations, its necessary research! It was then that he had to develop his own techniques of so-called "out-of-body" travel (also known as splitting), over several years, to be able to observe and study again and again...

It took him years of effort, intense work (he slept little...) and research to finally understand the mechanism of the energetic and electromagnetic laws which codify all life on Earth. In fact these are laws of electromagnetic codifications, very subtle, which are permanent and necessary to the principle of life and evolution of living species on Earth! These are so-called electromagnetic cells codified, which come from the center of the Earth

With all of his discoveries he created Energy Anthropology which is published in his 2 major books Volume 1 and 2 of the "Laws of Creative Evolution". It is truly a source of extraordinary knowledge and information for all of Humanity!

His area of ​​knowledge was gigantic, imagine for a moment that it covered everything that lives in and on Earth, in the oceans, the atmosphere, for all species, etc... He discovered that 'there is an evolutionary chain of life for all living things on Earth and all this is governed by the Laws of life, the Laws of evolution! It's huge! It's magnificent!

Professor Zeberio has constantly studied, researched, analyzed, to explain to us all the Cosmic Laws which ultimately allow us to exist on Earth! It's magnificent! It’s even a magnificent gift to anyone who asks themselves real questions!

For Professor Zeberio all mechanisms, and in this sense the Laws of Life on Earth correspond to a precise, perfect mathematical order, in a superior intelligence that we can perhaps hardly imagine!

The Creator is extreme intelligence, the total program, with all the energetic orchestrations that created our Universe, our Earth, life on Earth , the evolution of life, etc. It's gigantic! This is a source of fundamental personal reflections...

Read and study Energy anthropology leads us to think a lot, to review and forget some of our beliefs, our certainties, because it is a completely different story, which we do not learn to school, or even at university, and yet everything is there around us and within us! We don't know it, and for some sometimes, they don't respect it, they don't respect Creation!

For example on the subject of Nature, our Mother Nature, as Professor Zeberio said, where too generally we do not even imagine how important and necessary she is to life on Earth!

On health and the energetic aspect, Professor Zeberio observed everything thanks to his sensory perceptions, he studied and understood! He always explained what he saw and how to heal, deal with energies...

Among all of Professor Zeberio's discoveries, another example is that of the Human Spirit: everyone talks about Spirit, every day, and yet no school or science book knows what it is. it really is and what it looks like, doesn't know how it works and what its role is, etc.!

It was in 1946, during his first public conference, in Argentina, that Professor Zeberio presented and explained what the Human Spirit is, how it works and what its true role is!

The list of Professor Zeberio's discoveries is very long...

Personally, I think that it will take time for modern Science to one day have the adequate electronic equipment to also be able to see what Mr. Zeberio saw naturally!

From then on, scientific knowledge will undoubtedly make a considerable leap in its knowledge bases with all that this will entail for everyone, for medicine, for health, for humanity, for greater knowledge of the Human energy dimension...

It should also be noted that Professor Zeberio was a man of great morality! Morality by raising his index finger, as he often said during his conferences!

Here Morality is not that defined in any dictionary, but on the contrary that of someone who is just, rigorous, of extreme intellectual honesty, always positive, etc., and what is more, who does not judge others!

This is exceptional quality! Besides, he said, No one has the right to judge someone else!

You can only judge yourself and always be responsible for your actions!

In the principle of spiritual evolution, Morality (that defined by Mr Zeberio) must be the basis of everything!

A very Big Thank you to Professor José Tomás Zeberio.

Thanks also to his wife Mrs Dorotea Büttner de Zeberio who at his side contributed enormously to the development and publication of his writings and books!

This represented considerable work, over many years!

A very warm Thank you and all our Gratitude to Mrs. Dorotea Zeberio!

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