
Information on Energetic Anthropology from Professor José Tomás Zeberio

Throughout his life of research, Professor Zeberio has studied the general field of human health, and in particular that of energetic aspects within the framework of medicine.

For this, Professor Zeberio had to study medicine and was led to work for a good dozen years in various medical departments, in hospitals, in order to better study and understand the human body, but also many pathologies in Human Beings!

Talking about Human Health is a very vast, very complex field, which is in perpetual research and evolution, with more and more technical, electronic, robotic tools, etc., and of course modern imaging... In addition, there is also the field of medications which continues to evolve.

On the other hand, we can hope that in the coming decades, Professor Zeberio's fundamental discoveries, particularly with electromagnetic energies, will be studied officially in medical schools, to be understood and, better still, applied for the Human Society around the World! Health is the business of Medicine, however nowadays we are talking more and more about complementary medicine, or alternative medicine, also complementary, with multiple approaches, some of which date back to the dawn of time (I speak here for example of the use of certain plants..., a long time before modern medicines).

With the study of the discoveries of Professor Zeberio and Energy Anthropology (EA), it is true that we now know that the biological human body also has a complex energetic dimension which is necessary for its functioning, and this since the embryology, gestation, birth and throughout human biological life, in fact!

In general, with health, we only consider the aspect of biology, that is to say the pure body part, organic sectors, a little genetics, etc. However, there is another reality, which is that we are all necessarily made of this permanent energetic dimension within ourselves! Everything alive on Earth is codified, informated, including for every Human Being.

This aspect is still too unknown, and yet it is so important for everyone and it must one day become known in terms of new knowledge for the health sector... Knowledge about genetics is interesting, but thanks to Professor Zeberio we know that the energetic, codifying dimension in every human being is also very important, even fundamental! In the near future, without a doubt, this will become an important complement to current medical works and in this sense for a new medicine for all Humanity.

It should be noted that generally speaking, health, whether psychological, physical, physiological or even mental, generally concerns the physical body! Professor Zeberio discovered that certain health problems, and even more particularly, serious problems, generally had an energetic origin! He even often spoke of energetic blockages, which, in principle, first create disharmonies in the energetic sense, therefore first on a purely energetic level in a weak organic sector, then subsequently this causes disorders at the level physical, at the organic level of the sector in question. The experiences described by Professor Zeberio are very significant, obvious and generally clear! It's truly impressive! For Professor Zeberio it is the energetics which codifies the whole body, and if this is disrupted in any energetic way, causing disharmonies, then the consequences become pathological.

Indeed, according to Professor Zeberio, our physical, biological body was initially created from a program of multiple energetic codifications, via families of codified electromagnetic cells, from the beginning of our gestation. It is then a question of these same energy cells also managing the entire physical and biological body throughout human life. We can reasonably believe that this "coding energy dimension", which is within every human body, will one day be known, studied and applied by health professionals, perhaps even for a new health approach, and why not for treatment differently! Time will tell us...

The energetic approach for preventive care (such as Traditional Chinese Medicine) and that for curative care are quite different, we must agree! As Professor Zeberio often said, it's better not to get sick, and in this sense prevention is really very important! However, in any case, we can strongly believe in it. The day when modern medical imaging will be able to show disharmonies or energy disorders in a human body, then new fields of possibilities, with new care techniques will open up to all patients! Here too, the future will tell us...

During many years of research in several hospital services in Argentina, and for example for certain serious illnesses, Professor Zeberio was led to explain, to major Argentinian health professionals, his energetic approach to treating and sometimes even saving patients lives, for Beings lost for classical medicine!!! Likewise in psychiatry where he treated a number of long-term internees, by contributing his discoveries on energetic and non-biological problems. He also created a book with a Great Argentinian Professor of psychiatric medicine on the treatment of many pathologies in psychiatry!

The energy approach is very real! For example, he said, when there is a significant energetic disturbance in a given biological sector, and this, in general, after several months, or even after several years, it is then that the disease becomes detectable, often thanks to modern imaging, by classical medicine, which then does what it knows how to do, that is to say in traditional allopathic treatment, with various types of medications...

Professor Zeberio has often observed that a lot of time has already passed in a patient, before medical imaging, for example, can detect dark masses! We can well imagine the importance of screening here. When blood tests reveal indications of certain pathologies, you should know that energetically speaking, the source of the problem has already been present for some time, generally for several months.

The energetic approach is in this sense, an additional tool for health professionals. There are really important reflections to be made on certain energetic aspects which are truly at the origin of certain serious health problems! It will then be another medicine, complementary, but the future will undoubtedly tell us...

Moreover, according to Professor Zeberio, if as part of an official and routine medical surgery, a surgeon removes all or part of an organic sector for example, say a cancerous tumor, then we can understand that the diseased matter is removed, Ok, but not necessarily (and often it is not) its energetic part, and here it is a question of dissonant energies, in fact energies of illness!

In fact, the latter then risks continuing its bad work on biology, whether in the same organic sector or in another! This also raises questions! But who really knows? Professor Zeberio's Energetic Anthropology allows us to study and understand this.

In the case of cancer, there is first of all an energetic condition codifying the disease, the cancer, whatever the sector or the organ. This energy is always the cause of cancer problems! The same source of cancer energy will implant itself in a human body, then seek and finally attack the most vulnerable sector, it is a kind of Law... I will not give more details, on this web page , because this is not the main goal, which is simply to discover what Energetic Anthropology is really.

With his very high abilities of clairvoyance, Professor Zeberio could see these bad energies, unsuitable for Man, but he also knew how to isolate this energetic part (abnormal), which is undesirable and which is the cause of the serious problem..., in order to allow (to give a chance) to biology to remake itself, to regain control of a targeted sector or organ, and in principle to cure itself!

The electromagnetic codifications which made it possible to create a human body and then managed its biological life, are obviously capable of healing, in a certain way, that is to say of preserving a physical body in good health! This is truly fundamental! But who really knows?

Indeed, the energetic coding, in any human body, is therefore in principle capable of treating any organ, of allowing it to remain in good health! For the very particular case of cancer, for example, this is an energy foreign to the body, very particular and very dangerous, which succeeds in taking control of a given organic sector, in making its energy act there cancer, and subsequently to create the cellular disorder that medicine knows very well.

Clearly, if we could isolate (remove) this energy from the cancer, then the body should then be able to heal itself! You should also know that Cancer energy is only destructible by fire and incineration. As Professor Zeberio said, when a Human Being died and buried, following cancer, and moreover whatever the sector of cancer, he noted, observed that the energy of Cancer could continue to live for a period of up to 2 years, after a death. We imagine this dangerous energy floating in the atmosphere... It is also for this reason that Professor Zeberio strongly advised the mandatory cremation of any Human Being who died from cancer! This would really make it possible to reduce the constant evolution of this serious illness, due to the problem of the energetic propagation of cancer, after biological death, in human beings...

Professor Zeberio truly possessed extraordinary gifts of visual perception (subtle) and had above all acquired a perfect knowledge of human biology, both the biological, organic aspect and especially the energetic aspect, which he discovered himself!

Thanks to the extraordinary discoveries of Professor Zeberio, however, scientific and medical research must continue with more and more discoveries, constantly, and hope that one day, medical imaging, in constant evolution, will help us, will provide new avenues on the energetic level on the one hand, but also on the diagnostic level on the other hand for all of humanity!

We can understand that the energy approach in the medical and health sector is still too little known on a large scale, but I want to believe that a day will come when Professor Zeberio's discoveries will be known and especially useful for the health sector. health, and ultimately for the good of all!!!

To conclude this web page on health, nowadays many more people understand the importance of food quality, healthy lifestyle, aspects of stress, negative emotions, importance of the quality of sleep, etc., quantities of factors which can impact us on a daily basis and ultimately result in health problems! In this sense, staying in good health is an excellent approach... Traditional Chinese Medicine or even Ayurvedic Medicine have already known this for thousands of years...

Thank you...

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