José Tomás Zeberio (September 17, 1912 – May 7, 2007) was one of the most outstanding researchers and humanists of his generation and the creator of a new subject area: Energetic Anthropology.
He dedicated more than 70 years to studying the energy in human beings and in the animal and vegetal kingdom. He put his remarkable clairvoyance at the service of his scientific research.
He devoted himself to answering the fundamental questions that human beings pose: Who am I? Where do I come from? Why was I born? What is the purpose of life itself? Why do differences exist within the human race? Why are moral canons necessary? What is death?
Convinced that answering such questions would allow human beings to become more aware of their lives, he presented the results of his discoveries in several books and publications, for which he relied on the unconditional collaboration of his wife, Dorotea L. Büttner-Zeberio.
Zeberio’s first studies where under the Jesuit tutelage in whose schools he formed his strong discipline and capacity for work. At the Villa Devoto Seminar and later at the Maximo School in San Miguel he studied mainly theology and philosophy. Before being ordained, he decided to quit the Seminar upon the guidance of his godfather, Bishop Miguel de Andrea, in order to study all the extrasensory manifestation to be able to explain the secrets of the human phenomenon through a scientific approach. From that moment new roads would carry him through unexpected experiences
He began his career as an independent researcher. First, he travelled with a young friend to southern Patagonia seeking the first evidence for his studies in old Indian cemeteries.
Back in Buenos Aires, he attended Medical School until the time he felt his knowledge was enough to carry on with his research. As he was born with an extraordinary learning ability and privileged power of retention, he also studied psychology, natural sciences, anthropology, physics, (astrophysics) and mathematics. All these studies prepared him for his ultimate goal: deciphering life itself through the process of gestation, life and death.
His restless spirit drove him to study the Indian populations of Latin America, and thus he travelled through Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador and Guatemala.
Back in Buenos Aires, in 1938, J.T. Zeberio settled down in the city of Mar del Plata, Argentina, a seaside resort on the south Atlantic, to study chiropractic with professor Dietsch, head at that time, of the Maritime Clinic. When he returned to Buenos Aires, a year later, he worked at the Durand Hospital with professors Luis Tamini and Jose Wals in rehabilitation treatments, especially those concerning child paralysis.
In 1940, he studied all aspects concerning thermal waters, including radioactive mud therapy with Dr. Herrero Ducloux. In 1942, he studied everything concerning pregnancy and birth with Dr. Alberto Peralta Ramos, at that time, head of the Maternity Ward at the Rivadavia Hospital. It is worth mentioning that these physicians were aware of Zeberio’s interests and great capabilities in addition to his high moral values. They hence gave their temporary support so that this researcher would be able to pursue his studies.
In 1943, he travels back to Peru in order to analyze the Magnetic Geological Fields in Callejón de Huaylas, Pisac and Nazca and later he also travelled to the Argentinian northwestern territories.
By 1945 he had settled down in Mar del Plata again where he carried out his research on the sea life in order to find its connection with human life. When he had gathered enough information, he set to decipher the unknowns of life after death.
In 1946 he began to study in the cemetery of that city (bearing the official permits) what happens with bodies and their energies after death, using only his clairvoyance for his research.
In 1949, he began studying the energies of the animal and vegetal kingdoms; and when he considered this stage to be over, in 1954, he joined with another physician to treat mentally-ill patients at J. Borda Psychiatric Hospital in Buenos Aires. In 1961 he and Dr. Aniceto Figueras, then vice-president of the Argentine Psychoanalytic Association, wrote the book “Human Energetics, its Pathology and Treatment” (published as « La energética humana su patologia y tratamiento ») where they presented their results after several years of hard work. This book was reprinted in 2019.
In 1963, he published the book “Vital Cycle of Human Energy” (TN published as « Ciclo vital de la energética humana ») which discloses to the public the world of human energies in a whole new language as a result of his discoveries. He created a new research method based on his great clairvoyance and he explains the process of extrasensory perception and its different levels. Then in a comprehensive and deep synthesis, he introduces us to the world of energies that he discovers, describes, names, measures, finds its origin and purpose, through the processes of pregnancy, life, and death in human beings and animals. The book was then reprinted in 2011 and a digital edition was made in 2018 in Spanish.
That same year the Argentine Institute for Energetic Research was founded. However, in 1965 Prof. Zeberio decided to stop teaching for some time. In fact, this isolation lasted for 10 years, time in which he perfected his clairvoyance; and his stern discipline led him to such unsuspected dimensions that he is considered the most remarkable clairvoyant that devoted himself to science.
It is interesting to know many other facets of his interests which he developed while doing his main research..
In 1970 the President of the National Cultural Institute, Mr. Ignacio Pirovano, asked him to analyze and explain the vibrations existing in paintings. The report of his outstanding findings was sent to UNESCO and broadcast by radio.
In 1973, he informed some Argentine dentists about his discoveries on oral cavity preventive medicine. The results were published in a medical review in 1991. 4
He also devised a healing method applying his own magnetic energy (magnetism), a complementary specialty to medical treatments, which he taught to students in Argentina, Canada and Europe.
In 1973, he created a system of music and color therapy which he presented in a book titled “Preparation for the New Era”. The book was reprinted in 1980, 1996 and 2019 in Spanish and Dutch under the name of “The Human Energy and the Sounds” (TN published as “La Energía Humana y los Sonidos”). His research and experiments performed on the influence of sound upon the sensitive regions of the human being, allowed him to conclude that its gradual and controlled application favors the development and enrichment of the body energy. This method consists of music-assisted exercises (Energophony), which progressively eliminate the energy blockages and enable the harmonious development of the organism and the mind.
Later, he was invited by the Buenos Aires Beethovenian Association to give a series of conferences on this subject.
He also discovered that the inner energy of some trees and plants, together with oxygen and other elements, forms -as a consequence of the solar pressure- a kind of laboratory whose effect lasts until the sun sets. Then a centrifugal movement is produced which makes these already metabolized and elaborated energies come out of the trees and plants in the form of gaseous vapor. As a result of these discoveries, he developed a system of exercises to be practiced next to these trees and plants. The individual, through some body positions, the right breathing and attitude is able to extract the above-mentioned substances and introduce them into the corresponding body sectors. Besides, Prof. Zeberio also created a similar system in order to extract the sea energies. Both energies, the vegetal and the marine, contribute to the bodily and energetic enrichment.
In 1975 he published “Las Leyes de la Evolución Creadora” Vol. I. (French translation “Les Lois de l'Evolution Créatrice ” Vol. I, published in 1984).
A unique work of an amazing depth that attempts to explain, with “new eyes”, the meaning of life, its origin and purpose. It presents a chronological account of the evolution of life from its very beginning. It explains the stages prior to the formation of a human being starting from the center of the Earth. Finally, it shows a mathematical system of human energetic evolution, which includes even superior planes out of the Earth level. It is a fascinating story not only because it reveals the logic behind the mechanisms involved, but also because it explains what seemed inexplicable. The subject matter itself is guaranteed to enthrall and astound readers from different scientific disciplines, taking from pre-elementary particles, corpuscles and photons to unsuspected cosmic levels, which lead finally to a path pointing to the infinite. Through its teachings, this book invites the reader to embrace the happiness of unveiling the hidden workings and mysteries of this beautiful world, thus attaining full wisdom.
In 1976, he resumed his studies on the Geological Magnetic Fields in Argentina: the Puna, in Bolivia: southern Potosi, Cochabamba, the Moon Valley and in Lake Titicaca: Copacabana and the Sun Island. In Peru he studied the magnetic fields near Arequipa, around the Misti Volcano and along the Chili River. He also traveled through the areas of great magnetic importance in the semi-wild areas of Madre de Dios, Pisac, Nazca, Cuzco and the Urubamba River. He then analyzed the area known as Cruz de Pasto in Ecuador and Colombia, and later on, he traveled through the Amazonian rain forest to study the Jivaro Indians. All these trips throughout South America, ranging from Ushuaia and the Malvinas (Falkland) Islands on the Argentine side and Punta Arena and Temuco on the Chilean side and up to the farthest sites in the Andes Range, gave him the exact knowledge of the energetic soil composition. He became an expert in Geological Magnetic Fields which are real wonders of nature and fountains of youth. Besides, he created a system of music-assisted exercises to be able to absorb their energies for the body strengthening and enrichment.
In 1978 both J.T. Zeberio and his wife travelled to Maria Laach and Southern Baviera in Germany to study the geological magnetic fields there. A year later, they went to Egypt and in 1980 to Israel, where he concentrated his research on the Dead Sea, Masada, the Sea of Galilee and Mount Tabor. They then returned to Egypt to study the magnetic fields in the Sinai Peninsula.
In 1980, he published in Spanish “Tomo I de la Biblioteca de Dios” about the results of a first trip to the Creator’s Library, which was then translated and published into German, French, Dutch and in English “Volume I of God’s Library, Cosmogonic Story” in 2003. Its subject matter includes the origins and purpose of the creation of our planet Earth. It offers a rich synthesis of the past and present of science, philosophy and the great religions of humanity. This publication sheds light on the answers to many transcendent questions; and the readers find lessons on moral behaviour through dialogues of great warmth which help them achieve a deeper understanding of their own lives.
In 1980, his absolute collaborator Dorotea L. Büttner-Zeberio set up the José Tomás. Zeberio Foundation, Center for Energetic Anthropology with the purpose of spreading the new subject area: Energetic Anthropology. The Center offers lectures, courses, seminars, videos, books and booklets on the subject and also music-assisted exercises (energophony). She is also in charge of the publication and illustrations of the books and responsible for the supervision of the translations into English, French, and German.
In 1981, Prof. Zeberio and his wife studied the Geological Magnetic Fields in India, Sri Lanka and Nepal. During that same year, they did the same in Costa Brava, Spain.
In 1984, he accepted an offer to study a Geological Magnetic Field in China, near Chengdu, where, tradition said, Confucius used to practice meditation. During this trip, he also analyzed other geological magnetic fields and he also studied the warriors of the Xiang Tomb, Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, Qin Shi Huang ( lien wikipedia du Mausolée de l’empereur Qin) :ée_de_l’empereur_Qin
Very early, J.T Zeberio taught his theory in his own country, Argentina. From 1978 to 1996 he gave some lectures in Belgium, Canada and France. His conferences were video-taped and registered on DVD. In 1989-1993, he was recorded by the Canadian Television for the program “Second Regard” and also interviewed by the Radio-Canada. During his stay, he discovered a large magnetic area in Mont-Tremblant National Park, Québec. In 1994, a television report is realized by the Belgium Television on the magnetic fields in Córdoba, Argentina by the Flemish Television.
In 1989, “Las Leyes de la Evolución Creadora.’” Vol. II. is published. (TN in English as “The Laws of Creative Evolution, Energetic Anthropology, Volume II”). The author explains here all the elements that the Creator gives us so that we may evolve.
He gives a detailed description of the biology energies, a new subject area which he calls the psychology of biology; The coding of energetic quantum cells which give shape and function to the different organs are fully explained. This book, indeed a treatise on psychological pedagogy, deals with the causes of blockages and self-induced blockages, magnetic bands, psychosomatic manifestations, obsessions, the post-mortem energy process among many other themes. The last part is exclusively about the geological magnetic fields, their properties and contribution to both the biological and neuronal development.
In 1995 he published “Aphorisms and Thoughts” I and II Om Sam Liu, in Spanish, which were reprinted in 2010 in Spanish and French and again in Spanish in 2017. They offer profound spiritual and psychological teachings and give parameters of evolutionary life, action lines for us to be able to develop our own values. They show a human being open to happiness, moral principles, wisdom, a clear conscience, beauty and gentleness.
In 2000, Prof. Zeberio and his wife published a revised and enlarged edition of his main work: “The Laws of Creative Evolution, Energetic Anthropology Volumes, I and II” which are now titled “The Cosmic Laws and the Conscious Evolution, Vol. I and the Cosmic Laws and the Psychology of Biology, Vol. II, Energetic Anthropology.” »
A new edition in English: is published in 2017-2018, under the title« Cosmic Laws and the Conscious Evolution, energetic anthropology I », « Cosmic Laws and the Psychology of Biology, energetic anthropology II. »
In 2008, Dorotea L. Büttner-Zeberio published in Spanish “…And the World Continued! Cosmogonic Story –Volume II and II of the Creator’s Library” which invites the readers to follow closely the results of a second trip to the Creator’s Library. The author displays a range of findings so deep that prompts us to analyze in depth the value of our own life. He shows the life of superior human beings, their commitment to the search of beauty and truth, and to doing good so that we can understand the logical explanations that make us choose Peace and Knowledge. This book was also published in French in France. In 2015, she publish «Clases Introductorias a “las Leyes de la Evolución Creadora, Antropología Energética” (1976)». (TN as in English “Introductory classes on “The Laws of Creative Evolution, Energetic Anthropology” (1976)).
In 2017 his wife Dorotea published in Spanish “The Energetic Nucleus in the Human Body. Their Function.” This book completes the subject matter Energetic Anthropology and closes the knowledge about the life of the human being at a bodily-cosmic level. This book is aimed to professionals who apply sounds to achieve a bodily and mental well-being and also to all those who love to study the human anatomy for the life movement that muscles and vital organs have. They will find invaluable material in it. The human body is the result and expression of splendid mechanics. It acts by the inexorable law of nature in synchronized communion between the biological material and the energetic structure that animates it, that is, it leads us to enter a quantum universe.
Regarding J.T Zeberio’s personality traits, those who had the privilege of knowing him more closely were aware that, behind his strong and austere character, lay a noble spirit and fineness and special love for his fellow being that characterizes his school of thought. His teachings reveal a new dimension to us, an oneness with the universe which inevitably leads to a new way of life, full of joy and love. We are entering into what could be called: “the energy era”; and we learn that the Work of the Creator is being fulfilled if we evolve, because we are God’s highest form of creation. ».
« The world may experience peace
the day that man will understand
why and what he lives for. »
José Tomás Zeberio
=> New titles: "Las Leyes Cósmicas y la Evolución Consciente", Vol. I - & - "Las Leyes Cósmicas y la Psicología de la Biología", Vol. II, (Antropología Energética). 2017-2019 (Digital Ed & Book)
1. “The Language of Paintings” based on the exhibition “From Cezanne to Miró” held at the Fine Arts Museum of BuenVeryos Aires in 1970 (Newspaper “Freie Presse” (Free Press) Anniversary Number 1st Dec 1970. (In German, translated by Dorotea Büttner-Zeberio).
2. Exhibition of Austrian Painting in Argentina, an exhibition sponsored by the Austrian Embassy in 1971. (Newspaper Freie Presse - Free Press - 26, Nbr 9149, page 5, 29th October 1971. (In German, translated by D. Zeberio).
3. He was required to explain the plot of the film “The Exorcist” and based on his explanations an article titled “Have you seen The Exorcist?” by H.N. Grandinetti (JP) was published in the newspaper “Cronica”, Yr XII, Nbr 3944, page 6, 22nd September 1974).
4. Muñiz MA, Zeberio T. La infección en el conducto. Teoría ecológica y reparación con osteodentina [Canal infection. Ecological theory and repair with osteodentin]. Rev Asoc Odontol Argent. 1991 ;79(2) :98-103
José Tomas Zeberio Foundation: Lavalle 2762- 2nd. fl ap.´12”
(PC1190) Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel : 54 11 4961 8598
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