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- E.A. Private University of Adrían Emilio González Page
Welcome to the web page of the great A.E. Teaching Project.
At secondary and university level
By Mr Adrían Emilio GONZÁLEZ
Great Argentinian Specialist in Energetic Anthropology
Student of Argentinian Professor José Tomás Zeberio
Adrían Emilio GONZÁLEZ studied Energy Anthropology since his adolescence and was a student of Professor José Tomás Zeberio, the creator of Energy Anthropology
Adrían González has also studied extensively in various other traditions, in addition to his extensive university studies in physical sciences, mathematics and biology! He is also a great specialist in certain traditions of the Far East, such as Yoga, Tai Chi and Gi Gong, etc., etc.
Since his early childhood he has possessed exceptional qualities of mediumship, clairvoyance, etc.
For Mr. González, this is a very large Personal Project for the dissemination of A.E and intended to present and teach Energy Anthropology on a large scale, to all of Humanity...
Adrián Emilio GONZÁLEZ studied Energy Anthropology since his adolescence and was a student of Professor José Tomás Zeberio, creator of Energy Anthropology.
Adría González has also studied extensively in several other traditions, in addition to his extensive university education in physical sciences, mathematics, and biology. He is also a great specialist in certain Far Eastern traditions, such as Yoga, Tai Chi and Gi Gong, etc., etc.
Since his earliest childhood he has possessed exceptional qualities of mediumship, clairvoyance, etc.
For Mr. González, this is a very large Personal Project for the dissemination of A.E and intended to present and teach Energy Anthropology on a large scale, to all of Humanity.
Why a private university
to study Energetic Anthropology ?
According to Mr. Adrían Emilio GONZALEZ
It is an independent entity and separate from the J.T.Zeberio Foundation.
It was authorized by the author and discoverer of the Work himself in 2002.
Its Director and creator of the Study Programs, Mr. Adrián Emilio González, has been a student and disciple of Prof. Zeberio from a very early age.
Giving A.E classes and Conferences for more than 40 years in Argentina and the World.
The purpose of the University is to make known the wonderful Knowledge of Prof. Zeberio (whose esoteric name of Master of Wisdom is OM SAM LIU).
Who, in the active company of his wife SHRA MAN LIU, has made such precious Knowledge available to Humanity that unfailingly leads us to Wisdom.
Explaining, with quasi-scientific rigor:
- What is our Spirit like?
- What energies make it up?
- Where does it come from?
- Where does it originate?
- What relationship does the Cosmos have with our Creation?
- What role does the Creator play in our Existences?
- What is Evolution?
- Where is it located and accommodated?
- What is the path to follow after physical death?
- Why do energetic-psychic blockages not allow us to move forward?
- How can we defeat them?
- What is the important psychological influence that the mother has on the fetus during pregnancy?
- How should we take advantage of it and prosecute it?
- In the Post-Mortem process: What detailed process do the energies of the body, and the energies of the HIGHER SELF or Spirit, follow?
- What factors delay its detachment and which facilitate or accelerate it?
- Is there a "Purgatory"?
- Is there a "Hell?"
- If so, what are the reasons (within the Cosmic Laws) that lead the human Soul to remain there?
- Finally, does Heaven exist? What is it?
- Where is it?
- Why do we reincarnate?
- What relationship do animals and plants have with us?
- Is it useful to study? Acquire Knowledge or Be enlightened internally? So that?
- Why will our destiny on the Higher Planes be based on our actions on Earth?
- Etc.
All these questions and many more are studied in this 2-year degree.
And in addition, to the Zeberian Studies Program, subjects from the Exact and Natural Sciences, Astrophysics, Philosophy and Ethics, development of some Art are added, to complement the subject with Mathematics, Physics, and Geometry.
As well as an interesting vision of the Human Sciences to achieve self-knowledge.
Why and what do we live for?
" Our goal is to reveal the energy discoveries of Prof Zeberio, and get to know them.
To then apply them in our daily walk, and thus benefit as much as possible with the Wisdom that each Cosmic Law gives off. "
As Albert Einstein said:
" The Laws are simple" And knowing them will guide, without a doubt, our Path on Earth "
Many thanks to Adrian.