Nowadays, new announcements are made regularly on "invisible" energy levels, on the Universe, on the quantum world, on the interaction of things, on quantum entanglement, and even on synchronicities. , etc., etc. But there is also a level of energetic relationships, which can exist, in fact, for all human beings, if they are implemented by everyone..., that is to say by every Human Being, really. say. These are Magnetic Bands, which are one of the many fundamental discoveries of Professor Zeberio, more than 80 years ago.
It is an energetic link, subtle, invisible, etc., which is, in truth, a direct, particular private connection, called point-to-point between 2 people, or also of a person with an animal, or even a person with a particular object.
These are therefore immaterial links, therefore purely energetic, and in this sense it is not matter! Magnetic tapes are, in fact, necessary for the relationship of a Human Being with his own emotional or relational world, his loved ones in general, his family, his friends, etc., let's say, what surrounds him in his own everyday life. The first Magnetic Band that we create is the one with our mother, from the moment we come into the world, that is to say from the birth of a child.
There are different types of magnetic tapes, we will see the main ones further down on this page.
Any magnetic tape, as soon as it is created, will last, in principle, for life! This is the case when these magnetic bands are rather active, depending on the emotional and/or personal relationships between 2 close beings, or friends, for example..
A MB is created energetically, consciously, and is linked (or connected) in so-called "point-to-point" mode (or 2 to 2) generally between 2 individuals, or between an individual and an animal, or between an individual and an object!
Any BM is energetically connected at the level of the solar plexus, for all Human Beings, and this is somewhat similar to a hard drive, divided into dedicated sectors, for each BM, in which information (memories) will be written. ) energetic all exchanges, in thoughts or words between 2 individuals, for example. Every thought is also an energy, which thus constitutes a memory which, in the context of MB, will be memorized on the side of the transmitter of the thought, first of all, but also on the side of the receiver! As a BM is said to be point-to-point between 2 individuals, 2 relatives for example, there is a notion of transmitter and receiver on both sides for these 2 individuals in question!
This is something truly surprising, which was quite simply designed by the Creator, Professor JT Zeberio told us! This has the effect of facilitating personal relationships between 2 very close individuals (parent-child, spouses between them, etc.).
We have, therefore, only 1 magnetic tape with our Mother, for example, but also as many others with all the people with whom we are in personal relationships. The BMs are waterproof between them. We can say that a MB is truly private, due to its energy memory content but also the traffic of information exchanged remotely or nearby!
For each BM, the more exchanges, thoughts, etc. there are, the more information it will contain memorized in a sector of the solar plexus (of each person), and therefore the more it will also be powerful! We can clearly imagine here that a BM of Mother-Child relationship is dense according to their own and personal level of exchanges in energetic form and this throughout life, as long as these Beings are alive!
What a MB contains, or rather its energetic memories, is all of what is written there, in the positive sense and also in the negative sense (or conflicts, etc.). There are no filters. It is therefore appropriate for everyone to manage their own thoughts regarding others. For example, when a couple separates, or divorces in sometimes difficult conditions, everything that the two protagonists think, for good (+) or bad (-), all of this is found energetically in this magnetic tape, it is to say in each solar plexus... It is therefore preferable to control your own thoughts to avoid making the situation even worse when it is difficult.
It must be understood that thoughts carry energetic information between the 2 individuals in question. Highly sensitive people very perceive sensations due to thoughts, especially when they are negative, being able to feel discomfort in the plexus and generally knowing who it could come from! When everything is positive, everything is good, we would say!
UA concrete case of the effect of magnetic tapes is sometimes, when we think of a friend, for example, and a few seconds later the telephone rings, and it is this same person who calls us. It's not telepathy, but truly an energetic connection via the magnetic strip between these 2 people!
You can do a lot of MBs not to create too many! This means that it must be done consciously! A single meeting does not make a magnetic tape! We must strengthen this new relationship and as a result a MB will be created! But we have all the appreciation and choice of events and thoughts, whether this continues or not!
So yes we can start to make MB, which will disintegrate if no additional relationship or thought intervenes. But we must also not forget that a MB is 2 individuals in a relationship! We do not necessarily control the other individual! But the good news is that the relationship must be dual, on each side, and with the same intentions, let's say positive! It's common sense!
In the case of a relationship between 2 Beings, which stops, the BM then goes to sleep, on both sides, if none of the individuals does not feed their thoughts in a rather conscious way, and therefore not during dreams at night!
For MBs with a pet, they can also be very important, for example with a dog, in relation to its master! Here too there are numerous examples when the dog knows perfectly well that its master is back home, before being at home! There is the sensitivity of the animal and on the other hand that of the Human Being. Here too, it depends on good and bad human-animal relationships!
For objects, often old, family, etc., of various kinds, there are also magnetic strips, it's really very personal! Common sense tells us that it is best not to clutter up with too many objects filled with memories whose whole story we don't always know!
In a way, it is therefore better not to create too many BMs during one's life, because these, after death, have a certain impact on the energetic links with the Earth for the deceased Being. .
To tell the truth, this connects the deceased Being to the earth, to his relations still alive! All the MB that we have created with our loved ones, objects, pets, can therefore delay us, our detachment, after death, for the continuation of our path towards the Light, that is to say when of the detachment of our Spirit from its lifeless body!
The delay, if it occurs, is always due to one (or more) Being, still alive on Earth, with respect to the deceased Being! The latter, where he is..., can no longer change anything about this mechanism..., on the other hand he will only undergo, and even ultimately feel, the thoughts of the living person(s), in this type of situation! This is therefore detrimental for him and him alone, without being able to break away from it! This will require more time for it to truly detach itself from the Earth...
To conclude this web page, Magnetic Bands are something extraordinary!
We must not forget that we can also communicate by thought alone, and even on the other side of the world, with a loved one, a friend, etc., via Magnetic Strips. It is an important aspect of our relationship with the outside world, our relationship with others, and naturally our relationship with those close to us!
In general, it is better to send, as much as possible, positive thoughts, beautiful thoughts and not only for our MB, but also, in general, to all of Humanity! Positive thinking is much better than negative thinking, which affects its originator first!
Thank you...