Psychology of Biology

Information according to the Energetic Anthropology of Professor JT Zeberio

Here is an equally fundamental discovery made by Professor Zeberio more than 80 years ago!

This is the energetic aspect which concerns our entire physical, biological body and also the energetic complexity for the proper functioning of our biology.

Here this energetic part does not concern our Spirit, nor even our Soul.   But really all of our Biology!

Psychologie biologique

There are a certain number of questions that we can ask ourselves, or not, but for example, to wonder why the children who are born today seem to have within them all the knowledge of the modernity of today's Society!

New technologies, computer, tablet, the principle of the internet, etc..., all these new technologies seem to be part, and even naturally, of their Being, with a great capacity to understand and use, all of this , more easily, perhaps, than their parents or even more naturally than their grandparents!

A child born today (in 2025) is different from those who are 50 years old, for example! It’s easily remarkable! Perhaps this means that there is an evolutionary process of living things, of Human Beings on the Earth, of the Earth in general? Technical and technological progress has been considerable in just a few decades, our grandparents can attest to this and this shows that newborns inherit this?

Why each Human Being who comes into the world, from birth, is in reality adapted to the evolution of the Earth's life, and of the human kingdom in particular. In fact it's rather a big "fortunately", since otherwise we would remain in the Stone Age! That is to say that we would always have to start from 0. Well, thanks to the discoveries of Professor Zeberio, this can be explained by the complex mechanisms of the evolutionary process of life on Earth, according to the principle of Creation!

On reflection, there must therefore be a mechanism, a sort of memory, which allows us to preserve everything that progress brings us, all the new knowledge, discoveries, etc.! 'Human being has a mortal physical body, and it is the same for the greatest scientists, geniuses and discoverers of all natures! We can think that their knowledge in their brains is lost after their death!

The answer is not linked to the contents of a brain, especially with death! There is therefore a principle of memory, in addition to books..., with a certain non-material energetic memory, under different energetic aspects!

Another question: Is DNA alone, in its general principle, capable of constructing an entire human body that can live? The answer is clear: no! With genetics, we often talk about our genetic heredity, that received from our designer parents. Is this enough to completely create a Human Being? the answer is no, including in a scientific laboratory... Genetics is a truly necessary subset of living things, but above that there is also and necessarily the energetic information mechanism (cells said to be codified/informed according to the EA) for the total creation and biological management of the physical Human body, and also the processes of the Body-Spirit relationship!

We can better understand what allows the creation of an embryo then a fetus, then a baby who comes into the world, etc, etc... and as medicine knows, it is always exactly the same chronological process, yet doctors do not know why this is so?

The DNA of our parents, the inherited genetics, is essential, yet it is not enough either, alone! Professor Zeberio's Energetic Anthropology explains to us that all of us, Humans, have a Spirit, where it comes from, what is its origin, its role, how its evolution takes place, etc., and also that our Spirit doesn't come from our parents!

So is there anything that can answer these fundamental questions, mentioned above? The answer is Yes!

It is about something which has this Intelligence, let's say "the Program or Information" to create life in the global, general sense (of the evolution carried out) and at the same time to preserve Information (energetic in return), after death, for example, for a Human Being!

We all know that everything that is "Matter", and here with our biology, is mortal and then decomposes. Furthermore, Energetic Anthropology tells us that this occurs naturally according to the Laws of Nature, and those of the Laws of Creation, where death is part of life (that of the end of life)! p>

We see here that there is another dimension, an intelligence, or a memory which is not of the order of material, of biology! So there is an energetic dimension, let's say an energetic memory somewhere, in addition to a human biological physical body!

Well yes... The Psychology of Biology, another very great discovery of Professor Zeberio, answers most of these mysteries for Science and Medicine, and in fact answers these simple questions and observations, for our benefit great luck to all of us!

The Psychology of Biology is above all a mechanism, an automatic and autonomous principle which, on Earth, necessarily codifies all living things. In reality every form of life on earth is necessarily informed, codified!

The evolution of species and kingdoms since the origin of the Earth benefits from this codifying principle, that is to say that it is always and necessarily informed, electromagnetically, according to an evolutionary scale of species and of kingdoms in kingdoms until the Human kingdom, and for Man for a few million years through these various human evolutionary stages until our current days...

We can quickly imagine that the highest, most evolved stage on Earth is the Human kingdom... For Human Beings, it is therefore the physical, biological body. In other words all of our biology is “Informed (Codified)” electromagnetically! This global Information manages an entire human physical life, from embryology, that is to say from gestation, then birth, and then throughout life, until physical death...

There are therefore families of electromagnetic cells, called codified, which provide this very important function, that of knowing how to manufacture a body and even manage it throughout its life, and moreover, in return, at the end of life after death, to recover life experience, knowledge, etc., in the form of energetic memories!

This great principle, that of Creation, is truly “very pure and very high intelligence”!!!

So the functioning of said principle, that of the mechanism of the Psychology of Biology, is actually very well explained in Professor Zeberio's books on Energy Anthropology.

The evolutionary principle of life on Earth, where at the very top of this evolutionary scale is the Human Being, is based on the electromagnetic codification of everything that lives on Earth but also on a return of experiences or knowledge in energetic forms, let's say memories so that nothing is lost. One of the evolutionary principles on earth is memory, in energetic form, so as not to start the same thing again but on the contrary to be evolutionary, or in any case not to regress! This also applies in the Universe. Life on Earth must evolve, as well as everything that lives there with a precise and necessary role... A current human body, in 2025, is no longer the same as at the time of the Renaissance or of Jesus Christ , or even from the time of the Egyptian pyramids! The psychology of biology manages these phenomena of essential evolution.

The Human stage being the most accomplished stage on earth, it nonetheless remains dependent on this entire evolutionary chain of lower Species and the Evolution of the Earth thanks to the incessant work of Nature and all of the energies which compound. As Professor Zeberio said, Nature is actually our 1st Mother!

For Man in general, when he comes into the world and depending on the level of evolution of his Spirit (compared to his previous human life), Nature allows his Spirit to incarnate, necessarily with a personal energy baggage and in particular with families of electromagnetic cells, called codified, which correspond exactly to what this Spirit needs for its New Human Life, starting with the creation of its new human body! We therefore all have a physical and energetic body, also adapted to our Spirit, to our level of Spiritual Evolution! Our body is in a certain way our “vehicle of Evolution”, it is personal and for all of our daily lives. On the other hand, thanks to the AE of Professor Zeberio, we also know that the level of Evolution of our Spirit, during our incarnation, corresponds to that of our genitor father. We see here that there is a close and even unique Body-Spirit relationship for every Human Being in incarnation!

But let's return to the families of energy cells, called codified, for the body part, which contain an initial codification, carried out in the center of the Earth for some and in the terrestrial strata for others, but also and in addition with complementary energy memories , from life experiences, from other species and especially from other Human Beings who have already died. All this thus contributes (as for all of us, after death) to the evolutionary principle in every Human Being on Earth for their bodily aspect and their biology! On the other hand, a current human body is more vibratory than 2000 years ago for example, and in this sense the organs today are also more vibratory than 2000 years ago. This is the evolution of Biology..., of life on Earth!

Knowledge of new technologies, sciences, medicine, etc., in general, is thus transmitted via other families of energetic particles, pre-holograms, microorganisms, etc., created during life, which are restored to Nature, after Death if they have not integrated the Energy Chromosome of this deceased Being! In fact nothing is lost..., because all this will be for those who will succeed us for the whole of Humanity, to acquire more knowledge and in this it is a question of their Evolution of the Spirit, it that is to say of their Spiritual Evolution... In fact, during our life we ​​are actors of our personal life, and after death we will be contributors..., for others, for Humanity whether for the corporeal or for the Spirit!

It is necessary to understand here that in the global evolutionary principle of every Human Being on Earth, there is on the one hand his Spirit and his own knowledge (Holograms) this is for this Spirit, and on the other hand all this which relates to its bodily part (physical body) and this will be for all Humanity after bodily physical death!

For some, sometimes they may have received particular memories, that is to say a gift for this or that activity, (music, painting, sport, etc...) and this is also part of the evolutionary principle, of the psychology of biology.

In the Human scale, in Humanity, every biological body is generally similar, but nevertheless it is truly unique, different and above all adapted to its Spirit. The more evolved a Spirit, that is to say the more vibrational it is, the more energetically powerful its biological body is, that is to say on the energetic and vibrational level.

Energetics, in the electromagnetic sense, is a very important condition in the entire principle of Creation, and therefore also in the Human Being..., that of its long essential evolutionary process (human incarnations) over several thousand years.

Thank you...