The word or principle itself of incarnation is a term which sometimes poses a problem for certain people, or even which can be frightening or refused in its overall principle!
It is also not, here with Energetic Anthropology (A.E.), a question of Religion or any ancient belief or tradition! Quite the contrary and quite simply, it is an energetic reality, in the electromagnetic sense which concerns absolutely every Human Being living on Earth! This is part of the Laws of Creation, those of the Creator...
To the question of why we are on earth, the answer is quite simple: it is to evolve our Spirit! It is, in the principle of Creation, to achieve and continue our Spiritual evolution quite simply. This whole principle cannot be achieved in a single human lifetime, not at all! On the contrary, several successive human lives are necessary!
But then how? And there, this is another question, also very fundamental...
If we ask ourselves the question of whether we have only one human life or, on the contrary, several, in fact the answer is still quite simple: we need several consecutive and evolving human lives in order to completely realize our Spiritual evolution on Earth... We sometimes talk about a long evolutionary path on Earth!
It is then that we begin to imagine, if every Human Being has several human lives, and if he also has a Spirit, does this mean that this Spirit has a very particular and even very important role?
According to the great principle of Creation, in fact, every Human Spirit is eternal, on the other hand every human body, with its human biological body, is truly mortal, since death is inevitable and we all know that it cannot nothing will remain, a certain period of time, after the death of the physical body!
The list of questions can thus be quite long, with everything relating to death. This is completely normal, I would even say that it is a truly personal principle of questioning that we are led to ask ourselves one day! Time catches up with us one day, with questions of inner research, let's say personal development, etc., and sometimes questions about Spirituality!
Human incarnation is a fundamental question for every human being, one day or another during their life. In the word incarnation we deduce the verb to incarnate or rather here to incarnate! Come into Matter (literally into the flesh)! I'll come back to this below.
For reflection, something really happens in the mechanism of our birth, finally! Everyone easily talks about genetics, about our descent, about our parents, but less about the question of the Spirit and, quite often, not really knowing what a Human Spirit is!
It was Professor Zeberio who discovered, with his own research in A.E., what a Spirit is, what it is made of, what its role is, etc., etc.
This is, with the A.E. new information, on the Spirit, on death, sometimes even on reincarnation. For some people this is a real questioning, with such fundamental themes! However, this is not the case for everyone...
Well the Incarnation is a reality, it is even a necessity. We can say that it is first and foremost an energetic process, according to the Laws of Creation, according to the Creator! Incarnation is also an energetic process where the Spirit descends to incarnate with its energetic accumulation and this allows it to obtain a physical body biology adapted to the vibrational (spiritual) value of this Spirit... There are plus a strong relationship between the body and its Spirit, from an energetic point of view, which explains this notion of uniqueness, in a real set of similarities in Humanity... Yes, each Human Being is unique and has its own own level of Evolution Spiritual!
If we imagine a fictitious increasing scale of Spiritual Evolutions, for all spiritual levels on Earth, well there are Human Beings at all possible levels! And certainly around us, to think about...
As said above, if the Human Being passes through the Earth several times to evolve his Spirit, this means that the Spirit must return for another new Human life, and that during each human life, he must memorize information (knowledge) energetically. It is like this from life to life, with a cycle of consecutive human lives, the number of which can be very variable for any Human Spirit, depending on the spiritual evolution achieved following its various previous human lives already completed!
It must be understood that every Spirit incarnates in a physical human body specially adapted to the vibrational value of its Spirit, to achieve a new human life, then one day it is death. It's inevitable! This same Spirit will have to come back to incarnate again (after a time of necessary energetic metabolization, in the upper atmosphere), but it will then be in a new physical human body, in a new family. Then one day, let's say at the end of a last Earthly life, the Earth is finished, and then a journey to the beyond, a cosmic journey, towards other so-called higher planes will begin. (in the sky...), further and further from the Earth...
Well all of this is in reality a relentless and evolving mathematical logic, where the function of Incarnation is inscribed, that is to say that of a Spirit who comes to earth in a new physical human body! It is part of Creation, for human life on Earth, and therefore it is part of the history of Humanity for everyone! Anyone who asks the question about the principle of reincarnation, or rather that of multiple successive human terrestrial incarnations, should know that we have already had other human lives before this current life, despite the fact that we have no memory of them. , no memory! This is normal, since our memory, in the classical sense, is biological in nature, with our neurons, this is pure biology, and therefore truly matter, and everyone knows that matter disappears completely after the death of the physical body. and its decomposition.
At the arrival of a new born on Earth, the phenomenon of Human Incarnation occurs which is in this sense an energetic process which responds to several necessities: Firstly a Spirit (which has already had one or several other previous lives), then also a very important energetic baggage that Nature gives us (lends us...), which will serve us throughout our human life on Earth!
The energy (cumulative) baggage is the personal gift given to us (it's more of a loan) by Nature! This energetic baggage contains families of electromagnetic cells (called codified) to precisely codify (inform) the manufacturing of a new body, that of the future baby, from embryology, then fetology, to birth, then for all life in fact! It's quite magical!
In reality, our biological body is codified, informed (by Nature and its Laws), because inherited genetics, DNA is not sufficient to make a human body I! This statement usually surprises people! Yes, our physical body, our biology, our organs are necessarily codified, informed in an electromagnetic energetic way!
This is, once again, another major and fundamental point with the numerous discoveries of Professor Zeberio. Thanks to Him...
From the start of gestation, the Spirit will gradually take place inside the future baby, in the womb of his future mother! Here we touch on the magic of human incarnation! it's very technical, it's even in a mathematical order! All phases of human incarnation occur with perfect rigor, according to perfect sequencing! This is also one of the fundamental Laws of Creation..
The energetic Baggage received during gestation also contains many other small complementary energetic elements! These are energetic particles, energetic pre-holograms, energetic microorganisms, energetic microelements, energetic particles from morpho-genetic fields, etc., etc.
These are many energetic elements which are necessary for the process of incarnation, and this is truly personal to each future human being in incarnation... We can speak of a gift from Nature, let's say from our Mother Nature ! To tell the truth, our first Mother is indeed Mother Nature, due to all the energetic aspects that intervene, and the second is our biological Mother! This is worth thinking about..., more for some, perhaps and that's normal!
If the conditions provided by Nature are not met, there is no incarnation, no pregnancy, no birth, no baby, in short, no Human life! The question of Nature, with all its essential roles, and that of incarnation overall really deserves deep personal reflection! We sometimes hear that the birth, the arrival of a baby is a gift from Nature, yes, it turns out that that makes a lot of sense...
During a life on Earth, in an incarnation, we come to Earth, to such a country, such a family, at such and such a calendar time, we have such a first name and such a last name, etc... But also and above all, we all have a Spirit within us! Our Spirit is our cosmic personality, while our physical body has an earthly psychology!
At death, only the Spirit will remain, the cells codified for the management of our biology, our organs, will automatically return to Nature, to various energetic planes in the atmosphere (and good news, because in general, they will be used by other future Human Beings, knowing that they will also have been enriched with experiences (positive or negative), depending on what the Being will have done during their life...)
At the next Human Life, at its next human incarnation, this Spirit will have a new physical body, a new energetic baggage (new gift from Nature), a new family, etc., etc. and so on we can imagine the principle of multiple successive incarnations over several centuries on Earth...
The term re-incarnation, sometimes heard, is not entirely correct, since given that we change our physical body each time we pass through the Earth, then the principle of multiple incarnations is rather the correct definition. .. It is always a Spirit that is reincarnated, and it is always and necessarily in a new physical body, at another time, perhaps also another country, or another region of the world, etc.
Our true personality is, to tell the truth, not that of our family name, but rather that of our Spirit! We are all unique (body and Spirit)! But in general people don't know it, nor do they think about it! However, in the principle of Creation, that of Human incarnations, which continues after death, it is only the Spirit (which is indestructible and even eternal) which increases its Light and its vibratory value, its knowledge coming from the various human lives already realized, and one fine day the Spirit will have finished with the cycle of incarnations on Earth, to rise to higher spatial planes, for other higher cosmic evolutionary cycles... all up there! It is according to the Laws of the Creator!
We are therefore passing through, many times, on Earth, as Human Beings, to do a lot of learning there, a bit like in primary school before leaving definitively (from Earth) let's say towards space universities (and this is correct according to Professor Zeberio) because the evolutionary path is endless on the other side, further and further from Earth! The more a Spirit rises, with a new cosmic body from now on, the more it will have to study more and more to rise higher, again and again...
I add that the evolution of our Spirit is necessarily increasing (it is not possible to decrease (regress) energetically speaking, we could at worst, possibly stagnate... With each Human life we have a new physical body, certainly, but it is always adapted to the vibrational level that the Spirit requires (in this sense the energetic gift of Nature is adapted, more vibrational, let's say). evolution of "principle of Nature" on Earth! This is a great contribution and a great responsibility that we leave in return, after death, for other future Humans who will incarnate in their turn, although truth be told. too few people know this!
The evolutionary principle on Earth works well and is essential: to do so it relies on energetic memory, therefore not matter, which is enriched by the life experiences that every human being leaves to Nature after its dead. It's an automatic contribution. If this principle of memory did not exist, then humanity would always be where it started, in the Stone Age, and we would always start from 0 for each incarnation.
The Spirit has a principle of indestructible memory, and for the (biological) body of matter, the so-called codified energy cells also have this same principle of non-destruction, or rather of non-loss of memory... It is the same with quantity of energetic particles (as seen above in the principle of incarnation).
Every human being who incarnates today has a body adapted to the world in which we live. The same goes for collective knowledge, left energetically (indestructible memory) at death and which also and automatically feeds (via energetic micro-organisms, and other particles, etc.) any new human being who comes into the world.
It is the magic of the Laws of Creation, of the evolutionary principle, of the Superior Intelligence of the Creator. The Energy Anthropology of Professor Zeberio brings us all this insight, all the explanations via this New Science, that of the permanent energy world, essential and invisible to our eyes, with which we all live on a daily basis...
Thank you...