The notions of great Self, great Ego or Spirit are often used alternatively in our everyday language and in certain books as well, with various sometimes contradictory definitions or explanations! The notion of Spirit is undoubtedly the least used in esoteric books.
The reason is that we really don't find any definition of what Spirit is, except with Energetic Anthropology (EA). Furthermore, it should be noted that the Spirit is different from the Soul!
Prof. Zeberio discovered what the Spirit is, as well as its fundamental function and this is explained in his books on Energy Anthropology.
Moreover, according to Professor Zeberio, as for the term Self or Spirit, it is more accurate to speak of our Spirit, with its very subtle electromagnetic structure and its specific and evolving energetic cores. The Spirit is fundamental in us! The Self remains more of a poorly defined concept in everyday language, where confusion exists with the Self (the small or even the small Ego) and the Big Self...
The Spirit belongs to the Human kingdom. This is in fact a complex, very subtle energetic, electromagnetic structure located inside the physical body, in its abdominal and upper part. This structure is totally immaterial, immortal and today, still invisible to our eyes as well as to modern imagery!
The Human Spirit, visible in this drawing, is a set of structures, including the vertical one called Omo/Sub-Omo, and that like a lyre called Energy Chromosome (safe), of 5 so-called Superior Vortices (energy cones) of which 4 have an extension with a Superior Evolutionary Energy Cell (omve). A single Vortex has no extension, it serves the process of internal energy drainage.
Note that here it is not a question of certain Chakras, very well known in esotericism, not at all, since here we are in the context of the Human Spirit and a new structure of the Spirit discovered by Professor Zeberio.
Each major energy sector (Vortex) has a specific and particular vibratory color, and moreover the 3 Major Vortices of the Sacred, Hepatic, Cardiac have the particularity of having an energy laboratory, in different frequency ranges, where Knowledge holograms are created. This structure of the Spirit also uses 3 very important distinct energies, namely Egoic, Somatic and Perisomatic (the last one with blue part enveloping the physical body). It is also in this structure of the Spirit that the energetic Holograms are saved, within the Energy Chromosome. Holograms are memories resulting from positive actions of life experiences (Light-Energy) as part of the functioning of the Spirit with the necessary assistance of our biology... The books on Energetic Anthropology by Professor Zeberio explain all this in great detail...
Spirit emerged from the process of Creation with its various Laws, according to a complex mechanism, which began at the center of the Earth. From its creation, this future Spirit in the making will have a very long, unique and specific journey via various species of living things on Earth. First in the lower kingdoms before arriving at the primitive human stage and so on. All these processes are truly of a very Superior intelligence. These are major discoveries, explained in EA and which were made by Professor Zeberio.
The Spirit is a very important part of Every Human Being, and moreover it is the first, the real reason why we are on Earth, that is to say to evolve our Spirit ! It should be noted that evolving your Spirit also means achieving your Spiritual Evolution!
Professor Zeberio discovered this, in the middle of the last century, in the 20th century, more than 80 years ago, and yet it remains unknown to the majority of Humanity! However, this is fundamental, and thanks to the study of Energetic Anthropology (EA) it is possible and above all very interesting to discover what the Spirit is in the Human Being... In everyday language we often speak of Spirit, via multiple expressions, but without ever defining what it really represents. The Spirit is not our brain.
Many questions then arise on this question of the Spirit, its importance, its fundamental role!
The Human Spirit is part of an evolutionary logic, which itself comes from the principle of Creation, with the evolutionary principle of life on Earth and subsequently the human stage, etc., etc. The human stage is the last to be created and continues to evolve as well. It is also at the top of the scale of the evolution of life on Earth and this is not by chance. Indeed, the evolutionary stages of life, before the era of the Human Being, were a necessary prerequisite, this is especially what Professor Zeberio discovered, this is part of Energetic Anthropology. The Spirit is Human, but it necessarily has a prior journey in the lower stages of life on earth... This is really fascinating, thanks to the explanations provided in the EA.
The Human stage also has its own evolutionary scale, this is of course what concerns the evolution of its Spirit.
An important point is to understand that every Human Being is necessarily passing through, several successive times, on Earth, via multiple human incarnations! This process, resulting from the Laws of Creation, has nothing religious, and concerns absolutely every Human Being.
These multiple incarnations allow any Human Being to make a journey of evolution, in the Spiritual sense, that is to say that of their Spirit, which has the properties and functions of memorizing energetically, with its own positives actions and his acquired knowledge. These are all of his positive life actions on Earth during each life. We easily imagine that each Spirit is unique since it has had its own evolutionary journey and its own human lives...
Spirit is indestructible, and therefore it is eternal. Furthermore, thanks to its very subtle energetic structure, it is also the only way to energetically capitalize on the knowledge acquired during its long journey with several different Human Beings, through its multiple successive Human Lives.
We must also think about the fact that with each human life, each human incarnation, it is a question of another human physical body, in the same way it is also a question of another era, possibly of 'another country, another mother tongue, another family, etc, etc...
However, a means is needed to preserve, in a purely energetic and indestructible manner, energetic memories, in the evolutionary sense, which in reality is the evolutionary result of each Human life carried out. The Spirit fundamentally serves this purpose, but not only..., it is a kind of indestructible energetic safe, which accumulates memory, life experiences, knowledge, etc., through positive actions which go beyond matter... via a mechanism for creating and storing holograms of knowledge, from life to life.
We all know that the biological Body has a limited lifespan since death is inevitable and even necessary, according to the principle of the Laws of Creation! Here it is not a question of Religion, but of the fundamental principle of Creation with its numerous Laws, relating to the Evolution of the human Spirit.
In this sense, the Spirit is actually our true personality, let's say cosmic, inside our biological body, which has a completely different personality, which we all know, an Earthly personality, this time, which is clearly visible, Professor Zeberio was talking about earth psychology!
The Spirit also allows us to explain that on Earth, all of Humanity, each Human Being is not at the same level of Spiritual Evolution! Yes, each Spirit has its own Human evolutionary journey on earth, with a certain number of necessary human incarnations. From a global point of view on Earth, there is truly a virtual scale with various vibrational values corresponding to all of the Human Spirits currently living on Earth.
We sometimes hear about a scale of Evolution in the Spiritual sense in Human Beings, this is correct. We can easily imagine such a ladder as an ascending staircase! The one (Spirit) who is at the bottom or in the middle of this imaginary scale will continue in this way through other future Human incarnations.
On the other hand, for those who have already arrived at the top, this means that they have already completed a large part of their Earthly journey and will most likely not return to Earth for another additional incarnation! It will then be, for this Spirit, the path towards Higher Energetic Planes, beyond the Magnetosphere...
The one who is at the top of this imaginary ladder, (on the Spiritual level) must (or rather should) naturally respect the one who is lower! But do we really know? Not really! You would have to be a Great Clairvoyant (like Professor Zeberio was) to be able to know this. In each of us, each Spirit is unique and specific with its own evolutionary journey...
With the study of Energetic Anthropology, we also learn the reasons why we are on Earth, how it happens, what we should do and not do, in short all this to help us to know ourselves better, to better understand who we really are, and ultimately to better realize our personal Spiritual Evolution.
The word Spiritual simply means that which is linked to the Spirit, to the nourishment of the Spirit via the acquisition of knowledge, which is transformed into holograms, that is to say indestructible energetic memory. The Spirit was created, initially, in the center of the Earth, then it passed through various living species, then it arrived at the stage of the Human Being and must make the Human journey from lives to lives. Next are the Higher Plans for every Spirit who has completed his course on Earth, and will never return!
Up there, the Path of the Spirit will continue without end... for an infinite Cosmic Spiritual Evolution, in the higher planes where from now on it will have only one body, not physical but purely cosmic. He must first build it himself and then make it brighter and brighter forever. It's truly magical!
Every Spirit accumulates Energy, in the form of energetic Holograms, in the form of Light ultimately, and this constitutes a determined, accumulated vibrational level, that of Spiritual Evolution, it is the Evolution of all Spirit !
The unit of measurement, invented by Professor Zeberio, is the “Vibraton”, which is measured by the perception of the chromatism of the energetic structure of the Spirit in every Human Being! Vibraton is expressed on the so-called Giga vibrational scale (1V = 1.10 to the power of 9) of vibrations per second. It is subtle and evolving energy, accumulated by the Spirit, in the evolutionary process of the Human Being on Earth, via light, positive knowledge acquired and transformed into energetic Holograms. These are saved in the vault of each Spirit, in its internal structure, inside the physical body, but belong to the Spirit!
At the beginning of the 21st century, that is to say in the early 2000s, you had to have acquired at least 8000 Vibratons, for your Spirit, after the death of a human being, for your Spirit to be able to leave definitively the Earth, after physical death, his corporeal body. the Spirit is immortal and will rise inside the magnetosphere and according to its own vibrational power it will be able to exceed the magnetosphere
Leaving the Earth definitively, for a Spirit, means having reached a certain frequency value, or vibrational value, and in reality having a potential capable of exceeding that of the limit of the magnetosphere. However, these values are somewhat increasing over time, which subsequently implies, for Spirits wishing to go beyond the magnetosphere, to also have an even higher potential... It is an automatic mathematical progression!
It should therefore be noted that this value is more of the order of 10,000 Vibratons, today, will necessarily evolve further and inevitably in the future..., according to Professor Zeberio. This also means, for the entire human world, that the spiritual level will have to rise even further in the future.
A large part of humanity does not have this knowledge provided by EA, and in particular on the aspect of necessary Personal Spiritual Evolution.
Spirit is an electromagnetic structure internal to our body, with some electromagnetic cores located outside the physical body. To this there is also another energetic core, called the 3rd positive cell located outside and to the left of our head, it is also the Soul.
This 3rd Positive cell (Soul or Higher Consciousness) has the particularity of serving as an interface between our physical and energetic body, and also with our Spirit.
We cannot access the contents of our Spirit, with our brain, with our mind, this is one of the functions of the Soul.
The Soul is immaterial, purely electromagnetic, indestructible which in reality has access to the contents (holograms of knowledge) of our Spirit (information from our previous human lives and the current life). The Soul also knows how to connect to certain organs, energetically. Prof. Zeberio also calls it the 3rd positive. This electromagnetic core has the property of having a round shape (like a disk) with a fingerprint identical to that of our left thumb. This is how it is!
The role of the Soul is very important, with its Level of Higher Consciousness. The Soul automatically and instantly possesses all the knowledge acquired in the current life. It knows what we already have in terms of knowledge (currently or in previous lives) and rather directs us towards new knowledge to acquire as part of our Spiritual Evolution.
It is about this aspect which is important for everyone, I mean the evolution of our Spirit in an increasingly Conscious way. Here it is no longer a question of materiality, of Subsistence but of Existence...
After Death, the Soul remains attached to the Spirit, the latter are inseparable, and leave the lifeless physical body to rise into the upper atmosphere.
The Soul is active during our lifetime, and also after death, in higher energetic planes.
Thank you...