Energetic Blockages

Information about Energetic Anthropology from Professor JTZeberio

Energetic blockages, according to Energetic Anthropology of Professor José Tomás Zeberio , also constitute a fundamental discovery on the knowledge of the Human body, with its multiple energetic dimensions both for its bodily, organic aspect but also for its Spirit aspect... A human body is not only biology and its organs, etc., but also with various energetic structures, in the electromagnetic sense

The biological human body, at the organic level, also includes a large quantity of electromagnetic cells, codifiers of biology, as well as other energy nuclei necessary for its proper functioning, such as microorganisms and others! Our Human body is therefore not just matter, just pure biology with its genetics inherited from our biological parents, its DNA! It also has an energetic part, made in a very complex and above all essential electromagnetic way, very subtle and still invisible to our eyes, as well as to modern imaging instrumentation... for example.

Every human body, in addition to its biological and organic aspect, is therefore also made up of a complexity of energy networks, of energy laboratories both for the bodily aspect, biology and its organs and for the aspect of its Spirit ...

Nowadays, medicine does not yet know the energetic aspect discovered by Professor Zeberio, although it was already several decades ago, more than 80 years ago! This is not taught in medical school, because Energy Anthropology still remains too unknown to the world in general and to scientific communities in particular, including modern medicine!

Professor Zeberio studied extensively in medicine at university before working for a good dozen years in various medical services in various hospitals in Argentina as part of his discoveries and research in A.E.

The human body is made up, energetically speaking, of a set of very complex and particular energy laboratories, which act permanently for our bodily well-being and even at the level of the functioning of our Spirit, of its specific structure.

Our daily living environment, in our modern world, with abundant technology in electronic telecommunications, with radars, with mobile phones and their antennas (4g, 5G, etc.), Wifi almost everywhere including at home, etc., but not only that, can affect us little by little and end up producing areas of energetic disharmony within us. An energetic disharmony is an energetic disorder in an organic or bodily sector in a human body! That is to say that the initial energy context is disrupted, or even seriously disrupted, which ultimately leads to health problems in a weakened organic sector and then leads to other health complications!

These so-called disharmonies will gradually, over time, influence organic activity, and sometimes act even more strongly, with the long-term consequences of health concerns of various possible natures. Here I am talking about the general principle. All these phenomena happen very slowly, in general, without us really knowing it!

When we feel problems in a particular area of ​​the body, then a visit to a doctor sometimes follows. If this is the case, then begins a personal process which then consists, within the framework of the health professional, the family doctor or the specialist, in principle, of taking medication to treat oneself...

The energetic aspect, in general, controls the entire biological aspect, and therefore also that of our organs. The complexity of the human body is obvious, it is an extraordinary machine, and health concerns (or minor ailments) are also truly personal!

An energy blockage means a disruption to the normal functioning of our biology, of a given sector, of a given organ, etc., without forgetting the state of fatigue or overwork that anyone may be led to experience. .

If everyone knows that our physical body needs rest, good sleep, etc., from an energetic point of view it is also the same, whether especially for the biological bodily aspect but also for the aspect of our Spirit! Our biological body is very important and illness is there to remind us of this, and to remind us how much being in good health is preferable and above all necessary... the energetic aspects have their important role and this can also go wrong with energy blockages!

There are a number of possible energy blockages and therefore a number of possible symptoms and consequences! Generally speaking, sensitivity to energetic phenomena is truly personal. The difficulty is always to find this disturbed energetic harmony, in order to resolve the aspect of disharmony so that everything returns to order. According to Professor Zeberio, a day will come when modern Medicine will undoubtedly discover and use the said discoveries, those of energetic Anthropology to treat this, that is to say these aspects of energetic disharmonies!

The energetic codifications of our body, even before our birth, in our mother's womb, were capable of creating our body from the very beginning, during our gestation, but they are also capable of controlling, on a daily basis, all our biology and even throughout our entire life! It's truly extraordinary!

Professor Zeberio, a very great healer/magnetizer (in his younger days) treated thousands of people in Argentina, and even for very serious cases, condemned (or even lost) by classical medicine, simply by his in-depth knowledge of this energetic aspect which acts in every human body. It's prodigious! In other words, energetics, known to EA, can do many things, including helping to heal, to remove energy blockages, and in this way to prevent health problems in the long term. and find a normal organic context!

Certain energy blockages have minor consequences, while others are much more powerful, that is to say, with more consequences. We can easily imagine being in the case of serious illnesses here! It is indeed not easy to treat a problem which is, first of all, energetically based..., with classic, chemical drugs that are more material-oriented... This really raises questions! But that’s what medicine does these days, it does what it knows! The energy part nevertheless sometimes has a major role, but this is unknown to health professionals! From one country to another there are many divergences or more elaborate practices. Particularly with the use of particular sounds, with relaxing techniques, such as yoga, cardiac coherence, etc. Here we approach the energetic aspect, with the principle of vibrations, harmonization, even frequencies sometimes... Professor Zeberio discovered all of this!

You can have energy blockages at any age, from early childhood and throughout your life! Suffice it to say that we do not choose, nor can we escape it! But there are small energy blockages without too many consequences and others that are more serious, of course.

At best we live in a body with a healthy diet, a let's say normal life (without too much stress, living well mentally, etc.), then our biology has more defensive assets even with regard to energetic disturbances, and that is rather reassuring!

However, we must not forget that there are also energetic self-blockages which also exist and there it is everyone who can create them, personally, unconsciously, or according to beliefs (conscious or not ) family or others, etc. In short, self-blockages can sometimes have rather serious health consequences. In this sense it is preferable to avoid self-blocking energy, since in this case you are always playing against yourself, that is to say against your good health!

We have seen, somewhat, the energetic blockages in relation to our biology, phenomena which disrupt the good organic and energetic order of the human body, but there are also other blockages, also energetic, but which are of another nature and of higher vibrational power which can affect the functioning of the structure (non-material, therefore in the energetic sense) of our Spirit. And this is also harmful to yourself!

Everything that touches our Spirit (very subtle and invisible electromagnetic structure), plays against our own personal process of evolution, that is to say that of our Spirit! And this affects our ability to achieve our personal spiritual evolution!

Prof. Zeberio has developed his own technique, to get rid of energy blockages via a specific program that he called "energy gymnastics" based on specific breathing exercises and specific music , also, assembled specially according to the organic sector to be treated, in the case of pure biology. Here we are talking about specific energy treatments for biology, for the physical body. On the other hand, he also created other music for the aspect of Spirit, and in this the non-physical aspect, this time.

Prof. Zeberio has completely studied the functioning of each organ from an organic, biological and also energetic point of view! These are major discoveries. Each organic sector of a human body has its own energetic context, with a set of distinct but normally harmonious energies for said organ. Energy blockages disrupt this, making the organ in question weakened or even sick in the long term.

The energetic gymnastics technique of Professor Zeberio therefore consists of listening, depending on the organic sector in question, to a particular protocol, with specific music to completely re-harmonize the organ in question, and return it to 100 % operational for its permanent work to be carried out in a human body. In fact the vibrations and musical waves, to be listened to, will re-harmonize the organ which carried dissonant energy blockages within it by driving them out energetically. Here the treatment process is totally energetic and respiratory as well. It's truly extraordinary. Listening to special music (energy gymnastics by Professor Zeberio) which provides the specific vibrations and frequencies appropriate to the organ to be treated, to be re-harmonized, does its work automatically in association with a precise respiratory protocol! the results are extraordinary...

In every Human Being, the energetic dimension with its complexity is very real, it is part of us. Generally speaking, the traditional medical approach does not yet recognize this aspect! It is up to everyone to consider this for themselves, without forgetting that each of us is the sole owner and responsible for our body throughout our lives!

Our body and our health are our very precious personal capital which it is preferable to manage well and respect well, for a more pleasant and undoubtedly longer life. Our Health is also energetic, it really deserves to take good care of it... with a healthy life, regular physical activity, a good diet and above all without stress and a good quality of sleep

Thank you...

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