The Human body is not only made up of a biological, organic part, with its genetics, its DNA, etc., let's say generally only biological matter aspect!
For millennia, certain traditions have already known that in every human body there are also energetic aspects, quite complex, but nevertheless fundamental to its functioning. We all know, more and more, that it is "energetics" which acts throughout the Universe, the same in our Galaxy, also for the Earth and less well for all living things and also in every Human Being. In fact, according to the Energetic Anthropology (E.A.) of Argentinian Professor José Tomás Zeberio, we know that the energetic aspect is closely related to body mass, and in fact with all of its biology.
With EA, we know that our physical body also contains several families of "so-called codified energy cells, which have a major role throughout our human life." This is new knowledge brought by EA for several decades already, however too few people, including scientists, do not yet know this! Yet it is very important for everyone, and in particular for our health!
So what is it about coded cells? What are they for?
These are purely energetic cores, not made of matter, which are initially created and codified at the Center of the Earth! The EA teaches us that the Center of the Earth is not a fiery core, as scientists believe, but on the contrary a hollow spherical area which contains a large large energetic structure, in the electromagnetic sense, we speak of a electromagnetic forge, whose permanent supply is carried out by extraordinary quantities of radiation coming from our Galaxy, with hundreds of thousands of stars, constellations, and also giant planets of our solar system! This is all extraordinary! Professor Zeberio discovered all this and explains it to us in his work on Energetic Anthropology.
So in this large energy center, at the center of the earth, energy cores are constantly created (non-matter, we are here in a quantum dimension) which go via a precise process and according to a mathematical order are codified, it is say informed by the energies of certain constellations. These families of energy cells will have a major role in providing their information to all living things on Earth, from the bottom of the oceans to the earth's surface...
These codified cores inside the Earth will have a codifying role and also a return of energetic memory through the various life experiences accumulated via various species according to the increasing scale of life on the Earth and will arrive one day at the human stage.
These energy cores, at the human stage, have the function of creating the body from embryology, then of managing the growth of this body, during pregnancy, and so on after birth with infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and finally until the end of life, where death is inevitable, since it is part of the Laws of Creation... The cells or codified nuclei naturally know how to manage a biological body, obviously! Furthermore, we all know that there are major physical transformations in every human body, over the course of a human life, and is moving towards inevitable aging!
This is the physical aspect of every human body.
But in a human body, fundamentally, there is, in addition, a Spirit which has a very subtle, indestructible energetic structure, and in reality the Spirit is eternal! In fact, the structure of the Spirit is the most important thing (associated with the physical body), for any Human Being, and even for those who do not know it!
Why is the Spirit so important? Because every Human Being has had the chance to come and incarnate on Earth, in order to be able to make and above all continue their own spiritual evolution! Spiritual evolution is, in other words, the evolution of the Spirit. To tell the truth, we even need several Lives on earth and therefore several human incarnations, in different physical bodies, different families, different countries, etc., and for all this it necessarily takes a few thousand years... This is how the evolution of our Spirit is completely realized, that is to say that it has its very long journey of spiritual evolution, after a certain number of life cycles human beings, for one fine day, no longer having to incarnate on Earth...
We must also understand that the Spirit has at its disposal a different physical body during each human life on earth. It is the Spirit which, in fact, is the common denominator. In each human life, the physical body is, in a certain aspect, only a vehicle of evolution for the Spirit that it carries within it.
In fact, for this Spirit to evolve, it necessarily needs a physical body, preferably in good health. We must also understand that the physical body also has stages, throughout its entire life, let's say necessities or obligations to be properly operational! Here I am talking about a principle which is part of the "Laws of Creation", which automatically perform a certain number of actions, for the management of the physical body, its biology, from an energetic point of view , and this since the dawn of time! We can easily imagine, with our physical human body, the principle of a vehicle of evolution with possible hazards, such as health, or poor lifestyle, etc., etc. Added to this is what everyone (body and Spirit) will do with their own life, and this throughout their life path! This aspect, certainly pictorial, is very important!
During human life, there are several phases, from that of pregnancy, let's say from childhood to the stage of Puberty! Then different successive and chronological stages until an advanced age and then finally towards the end of life. For the most important stages, let's say decisive, it is the great period of life where the Human Being can (or rather should) make his spiritual evolution, that is to say to make his Spirit evolve! This period begins after Puberty, and not before. This stage, its starting point, is a function of energetic conditions at the level of the Energy Structure of all Spirit in the Human Being.
Puberty therefore means, here, that the energetic structure of the Spirit is now in working order for what it has to do, that is to say to produce the memory of spiritual evolution, in the forms of energy holograms. (A hologram is a very subtle, energetic, geometric, immaterial structure, with a certain chromatism and contains the energetic memory of knowledge. It is information acquired by a Human Being, according to the principle of evolution of his Spirit).
The Spirit has a very subtle, indestructible, very sophisticated structure and also has a sort of safe that Professor Zeberio had already discovered in the middle of the last century. This safe is called an energy chromosome! What's more, the Spirit also has so-called Higher Vortices which correspond to several organic sectors, namely: the sacred, the hepatic, the cardiac, which are obviously 3 powerful energy centers. In addition to these 3 sectors, there is a so-called laryngeal vortex, which is a very important sector, serving as drainage for certain energetic drainage activities inside the human body. Finally there is also the mental sector, close to the head and the brain, this sector is also very important in the energetic sense, in the functioning of the Spirit, according to Professor Zeberio! Energetic Anthropology explains all of this perfectly.
The structure of the Human Spirit, very subtle, is also made up of an environment with several major energy centers, and in particular very subtle energy laboratories (Vortex) which have the function of transforming vibrational information, light-energy towards an energetic medium called holograms.
Moreover, over the course of life, as we age, our interests are not always the same, or let's say rather that they are no longer the same and as a result, they vary! Well, for this, the Creator has also planned everything! Each major region of the human body is more active at certain periods of human life... There is a chronology of age and more active organic sector, which goes from the sacral sector, then hepatic and then cardiac! the mental sector is always active, it is even the most powerful.
The first active energy sector after puberty is the sacred sector, that of the genitals! This means that this energetic sector, of the sacred, is the most determining, from an energetic point of view, until the age of approximately 25. We notice that it is also the time of experiences, the time of studies, moreover, but also that of the strength of youth as well, which must be realized!!! Prof. Zeberio spoke of Law of Information when this energy sector is active.
Next comes the hepatic sector which, energetically, will predominate, from the age of 25, where it is generally the time to build a family situation, to stabilize oneself, it is also that of the world of work. We are talking here about a period of life, where according to Professor Zeberio it is the Law of Knowledge which acts, in the energetic sense. These very technical concepts cannot be developed in detail in these web pages, because they are too long and not easy to explain either..
Then so on, around the age of 40, it is now the heart sector which becomes more active, energetically speaking. This is the stage of the Law of Knowledge, of the deep meaning of one's life, etc. Thanks to the discoveries of Professor Zeberio, with Energy Anthropology, we understand why it is often, at midlife, a personal stage of questioning, sometimes profound, and at all levels! It's too complicated to develop it here, but know that these events, if they occur, are generally energetic in nature and linked to the period of puberty. On an energetic level, strictly speaking, puberty is a very important stage for every human being.
To return to more classic things, let's say that this stage of life after 40, which leads up to around 55, is also a source, sometimes, of a certain personal change, and generally profound! According to Professor Zeberio, it is the Law of Knowledge that acts! But again, it is very personal to each person, depending on their own experience, in short, their personal life! At this stage, perception and experience of life are truly personal situations!
And then comes, then, the last long straight line, so to speak, from an energetic point of view of course, which begins around the age of 55 and will last until the last days of life! Here it is now the Law of Evolution and even that leading to Wisdom which comes into action. It is the energy sector of the mind which predominates over the others, mentioned chronologically above!
In reality, when we talk about the Human Spirit, with its specific, very subtle energetic structure, with its higher Vortices, it is not at all a question of matter, of biology, nor of Chakras, but really of something very subtle, on the human energetic level... Unfortunately, for science and medicine, this is not yet known, nor even visible either! Modern imagery has not yet discovered this! Perhaps only certain clairvoyants (with great personal extrasensory perception abilities) are able to perceive something! It's really very subtle, and it's totally immaterial.
To conclude this page, with a first approach to the functioning of a Human Spirit and its energetic stages, it is important to specify that a healthy physical body provides, in fact, support to its Spirit so that the latter can operate at its maximum possible. On the other hand, a sick body, in poor health, must first manage its health concerns as a priority. We see here that illness works against us both on the physical, biological, organic level and also on the spiritual level for the structure and proper functioning of the Spirit!!!
We understand the phrase better: a holy Spirit in a holy body! That said, another fundamental principle to any evolutionary process, as said above, for the manufacture of energetic holograms is the behavior of our own Mind, where the positive side is always necessary, both for thought and for action. , with deep respect for the Laws of Creation, Nature, the living, others, etc., etc.
Professor Zeberio spoke of Morality, not of that defined in the dictionary, not at all, but in reality of being totally oneself, sincere, authentic, positive, respectful, without cheating, without speculating, etc. ., and without judging others. It may be difficult to understand, but it's really very personal!
Spiritual evolution is a strictly personal process...No one can do it for you! On the other hand, others can prevent you from doing so (and sometimes even with parents regarding their children, etc.).
The assessment of a spiritual evolution will be made after the death of the physical body, by Superior Cosmic Beings, via the analysis of each Spirit, according to its vibrational value, its subtle color, the holograms of knowledge that he will have acquired during his last human life, etc., etc.!
Thank you...