Who Are We,   we  the   Human Beings?

This is an individual and personal Question!

Here is a very simple question that we can, one day, ask ourselves personally!!!

This is truly a fundamental question which is generally also associated with 2 other complementary questions, namely:

Where do we come from? Where are we going?

This may seem a little basic... However, we can perceive a notion of temporality, the time of our passage on Earth, since we all know that our body has a limited lifespan, that our body is deadly, and that no one escapes.

But then, are we just a physical body? But then what happens after death? Nothing more?

On the contrary, if we are more than a physical body, what more is it? Of a Soul? Of a Spirit? Both ? How does it work? Etc., Etc...

Professor Zeberio, the creator of Energetic Anthropology (EA), discovered that we all have a Spirit and also a Soul and what is more that their respective roles are both different and complementary!

For him, as explained in his books on EA, the Spirit is a very subtle, indestructible and even electromagnetic structure eternal in which the positive and evolving values ​​coming from our knowledge, wisdom are preserved in particular forms of memories (holograms) and this in each earthly life, with the assistance of our physical body and our biology associated with particular energetics mechanisms !

Our Spirit, immortal, serves as our energetic vault, with our energetic chromosome. It is the latter which saves and accumulates our holograms of evolution, of knowledge..., during each human life, each incarnation already carried out..., our Spirit is made up of other specific energetic elements.

The Soul is also an energetic process, let's say complementary, which also acts during our earthly life, and one of whose goals is, let's say, to optimize our path of Spiritual Evolution, with "new actions/ knowledge to acquire, during our adult life..." At death, the Spirit will disincarnate and take the Soul with it, they are inseparable!

On a daily basis, in fact, the Soul knows at all times where we are in terms of our Spiritual Evolution, and in particular what is good or not as new knowledge to acquire in our current life. The Soul is also immaterial and allows the interface between the Spirit and its energetic vault (energetic chromosome), the psychology of our biology and our physical body.

Thus the classic question of asking who “are we, where we come from and where are we going to”, is a fundamental question, and this means that, there is surely, for every Human Being, a real great reason to be on Earth! No?

As Professor Zeberio said, the vast majority of Human Beings (80%) do not ask themselves questions about death and add that they are afraid of it! It's the total unknown! It's at the end of one's life, it's inevitable and as late as possible, etc.

With the study of Energy Anthropology (EA) by created by Professor Zeberio, we discover the entire logic of Creation, of planet Earth, of life and death on Earth, but above all the role of our Spirit, of our great Self, which is in reality is the indestructible cosmic part in every Human Being. Professor Zeberio also spoke about our cosmic personality, inside of us !

Yes we come from somewhere! - Where are we going? This is partly simpler because we all know that death is at the end of the path of our life, whatever our own personal path, it is inevitably with the end of our physical body! The physical body dies, it has finished its work during life, on the other hand our Spirit is immortal and will rise towards its vibrational plane of the same value, in the upper atmosphere.

What will happen next for our Spirit is a function of our acquired Level of Spiritual Evolution, and therefore of its vibrational value, and in this sense either we will return to Earth, later, in several decades, for another human incarnation, either our Spirit has reached sufficient vibrational power and will then continue towards so-called Higher Planes, it has finished with the Earth Plane, said Professor Zeberio. From now on it will be a cosmic life, for an infinite and Cosmic Spiritual Evolution!

In general we do not know, according to Energetic Anthropology, and to tell the truth for our Spirit, it will be decided on the other side, after our death, after the death of our physical body! It is therefore our Spirit which will then be evaluated by Superior Cosmic Beings, according to the Laws of Creation.

For the (ex) Human Beings who will not return, I mean for their Spirit, it is the beginning of a completely different evolutionary process which is then part of the entire logic of the Laws of the Creator, since our mission, to all Human Beings, is to allow our Spirit to go up there to continue a path of cosmic Spiritual Evolution, on the way to the Creator... Other missions await us up there... Earth is only a preliminary step in the great evolutionary principle from the Earth to the stars...

But then why are we on Earth? Very simple answer: to achieve and even complement our evolutionary journey, it is our own path of evolution for our Spirit, that is to say that of our Spiritual Evolution!

The real question that then arises is to know what it means to “make your Spiritual Evolution” but also “how to make your Spiritual Evolution”?

With the books of Professor Zeberio namely "Cosmic Laws and Conscious Evolution" and "Cosmic Laws and the Psychology of Biology" we find a lot elements of response, "to best achieve our Personal Spiritual Evolution", with another understanding of Creation, of this Great Superior Intelligence!

With EA, we learn what we should do and what we should not do either, during our current life! In fact, it is to allow us to understand how the evolutionary principle works, that of energies and memories (holograms...) of the principle of Knowledge, of wisdom and Morality...

Here it is not a question of judging others, quite the contrary, it is about knowing yourself better, respecting your body, nourishing it well, knowing the energetic processes, always being positive, respecting the Nature and others, in short, to behave well personally in all circumstances of life. Any negative thought or action affects us first. We are part of a whole, that of Humanity, and of Creation, this whole is interconnected on other energetic planes, other frequency planes!

To conclude this page, we must understand that “Our Spiritual Evolution” is probably the most important thing to understand and then it is up to everyone to act, in a positive way, in the Light! This is really personal and it is above all for our greatest interest !

It is therefore up to each person to make their own Spiritual Evolution, because no one can do it for us whereas, on the other hand, other beings can try to upset us, consciously or not!

This Evolutionary principle here only applies when we are in a physical body on Earth... that is to say during our life...

We were lucky to come to Earth! Life is very precious, it includes a part of Subsistence and a part of Existence, it is up to us to make it as beautiful as possible..

Life must always be respected, said Professor Zeberio! Not respecting Life is, in a certain way, not respecting the Creator!

As Professor Zeberio said:    “Beautify Everything You Touch!”

Thank you...